korai period — ˈkōrˌī noun Usage: usually capitalized K Etymology: Korai, Koryu, dynasty ruling Korea from about A.D. 918 to 1392 : the historical and stylistic period from about A.D. 918 to 1392 in Korea … Useful english dictionary
korai — ko·rai … English syllables
korai — ×korai sm. pl. (1) žr. koros: 1. Išmesk šieną iš korų, ba gali sušusti Trgn. Mes šieną korais vežam, o jūs, matai, drobynom Trgn. Korais šieną vežant nėra vargo ir galima dideli vežimai prikraut Slk. Prikroviau pilnus korus šieno Dkšt. Jo korai… … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
Korais — Koraịs, Adamantios, griechischer Gelehrter und Schriftsteller, * Smyrna 27. 4. 1748, ✝ Paris 6. 4. 1833; studierte in Montpellier Medizin und verbrachte den größten Teil seines Lebens in Paris. Korais lenkte durch seine Arbeiten, durch… … Universal-Lexikon
kore — /kawr ee, kohr ee; kawr ay, kohr ay/, n., pl. korai /kawr uy, kohr uy/. 1. Gk. Antiq. a sculptured representation of a young woman, esp. one produced prior to the 5th century B.C. 2. Also, Core, Cora. (cap.) Class. Myth. Persephone, esp. as a… … Universalium
Edo Castle — 江戸城 Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan Edo Castle with surrounding residential palaces and moats, from a 17th c … Wikipedia
Koré (escultura) — Koré llamada Hera de Samos, originaria del Hereo de Samos, c. 570 a. C.–560 a. C. De 1,92 m de altura tiene una inscripción en la base donde se pode leer: Queramias me dedicó a Hera, como ofrenda. Museo del Louvre. El término… … Wikipedia Español
Kore (sculpture) — Kore (Greek Κόρη maiden; plural korai) is the name given to a type of ancient Greek sculpture of the Archaic period. There are multiple theories on who they represent, and as to whether they represent mortals or deities one theory is that they… … Wikipedia
History of Slovakia — This article discusses the history of the territory of Slovakia. Prehistory Palaeolithic Radiocarbon dating puts the oldest surviving archaeological artifacts from Slovakia found near Nové Mesto nad Váhom at 270,000 BCE, in the Early Paleolithic… … Wikipedia
Hungarian prehistory — See Pannonian basin before Hungary for the prehistory of Hungary (as opposed to the prehistory of the Hungarian people). The Tree of Life on an ancient Magyar sabertache (tarsoly) plate Hungarian prehistory (Hungarian: magyar őstörténet) refers… … Wikipedia