

name = "Genipa"

image_width = 240px
image_caption = Left:"Geniculata". Right: "Genipa americana"
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Gentianales
familia = Rubiaceae
genus = "Genipa"
genus_authority = L.
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text

"Genipa" L., or Genip-tree, is a genus of flowering plants in the family Rubiaceae.

These are shrubs and medium-sized trees (up to 18 m tall), native to tropical regions of the Americas, the West Indies, tropical Africa, Madagascar, tropical Asia, China and New Caledonia. Some authors restrict "Genipa" to being a New World genus, transferring the Old World species to other genera.

The ten species from Madagascar, originally described by Drake, are referred to as "Genipa" "sensu" Drake. They do not belong to the Rubiaceae subtribe Gardeniinae, as do the New World "Genipa" species; five of them belong in the tribe Octotropideae. The Genipa species sense Drake are better placed in the South African genus "Hyperacanthus".

Its name is derived from genipapo, the Guiana name for one of its species. It is also commonly called 'xagua, xaqua, or jagua.

The tree bark is mostly smooth and gray. The dense foliage consists of opposite leaves that are sessile or with short peduncles. They are mostly clustered at the tips of the branches. The leathery leaves have an oblanceolate, elliptic or obovate shape. The ovate and acuminate stipules are interpetiolar, fused at base.

The inflorescence is axillary or terminal. The flowers are solitary or few in a cyme. They are at first white or creamy-white, but turn yellow later on. The flowers are sexually dimorphic; they can be bisexual or functionally unisexual. The male flowers ripen before the female flowers. The short, tubular calyx has five or six small lobes. The bell-shaped corolla consists of five symmetrical left-contorted oblong petals, rounded at their apex. The stamens lie between the corolla lobes, exserting for half their length. The style projects beyond the corolla. The inferior ovary is 2-locular, with many ovules per locule. The fruit is a succulent berry with a thick rind, the size of a small lime.

This genus is closely allied to "Gardenia". Several "Gardenia" species were originally named as "Genipa" species.

It is not to be confused the genip, also known as the honeyberry, quenepa or mamoncillo, which belongs to the species "Melicoccus bijugatus".


* "Genipa americana" L. – Huito or Jagua
* "Genipa barbata" Presl
* "Genipa brasiliana" A.Rich.
* "Genipa buffalina" Lour.
* "Genipa caruto" H.B. & K.
* "Genipa cinerea" Fernald
* "Genipa clusiifolia" Griseb. – Seven-year Apple
* "Genipa codonocalyx" Standl.
* "Genipa curviflora" Dwyer
* "Genipa excelsa" K.Krause
* "Genipa exosolenia" Drake ( in "Hyperacanthus" ?)
* "Genipa flava" Lour.
* "Genipa humilis" Vell.
* "Genipa infundibuliformis" Zappi & J.Semir
* "Genipa lastelliana" Drake (in "Hyperacanthus" ?)
* "Genipa madagascariensis" Drake (in "Hyperacanthus" ?)
* "Genipa maxonii" Standl.
* "Genipa merianae" Rich.
* "Genipa oblongifolia" Ruiz & Pav.
* "Genipa oleosa" Rojas
* "Genipa perieri" Drake (in "Hyperacanthus" ?)
* " [Genipa pervillei" Drake (in "Hyperacanthus" ?)
* "Genipa poivrei" Drake (in "Hyperacanthus" ?)
* "Genipa pubescens" DC.
* "Genipa ravinensis" Baill. ex Drake (in "Hyperacanthus" ?)
* "Genipa rutenbergiana" Baill. ex Vatke
* "Genipa spruceana" Steyerm.
* "Genipa striiflora" DC.
* "Genipa talangnignia" Drake (in "Hyperacanthus" ?)
* "Genipa tubulosa" Baill. ex Drake (in "Hyperacanthus" ?)
* "Genipa vaginata" Baill.
* "Genipa venosa" Standl.
* "Genipa vulcanicola" Standl.

External links

* [ Genipa on the PLANTS National Database]
* [ HTMLized .pdf] UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT - Market Brief in the European Union for selected natural ingredients derived from native species: "Genipa americana, Jagua, huito" (accessed 12 March 2006)
* [ .pdf] version of above

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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