Grey-headed Goshawk

Grey-headed Goshawk

name = Grey-headed Goshawk
status = LC | status_system = IUCN3.1

image_width = 225px
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Falconiformes
familia = Accipitridae
genus = "Accipiter"
genus_authority =
species = "A. poliocephalus"
binomial = "Accipiter poliocephalus"
binomial_authority = (Gray, 1858)

The Grey-headed Goshawk, "Accipiter poliocephalus", is a lightly-built, medium-sized bird of prey in the family "Accipitridae".


Upperparts grey, paler on head and neck; wings dark; underparts mainly white; cere and legs red-orange. Body length 30-38 cm. Females larger.


The Grey Goshawk is endemic to New Guinea and adjacent islands. It has been recorded from Saibai Island, Queensland, Australian territory in north-western Torres Strait.


It lives in forests, forest edges and secondary growth.


It eats small reptiles and insects.


This species nests in tall trees on a platform of sticks and leaves.


* BirdLife International. (2006). Species factsheet: "Accipiter poliocephalus". Downloaded from on 9/12/2006
* Coates, B.J. (1985), "The Birds of Papua New Guinea, Vol. 1, Non-Passerines". Dove: Alderley, Queensland. ISBN 0-9590257-0-7
* Morcombe, Michael. (2000). "Field Guide to Australian Birds". Steve Parish Publishing: Queensland. ISBN 1-876282-10-X

External links

* [ IUCN Red List]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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