

name = "Accipiter"

image_width = 210px
image_caption = Northern Goshawk "Accipiter gentilis"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Falconiformes
familia = Accipitridae
genus = "Accipiter"
genus_authority = Brisson, 1760
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision =About 50, see text

The genus "Accipiter" is a group of birds of prey in the family Accipitridae, mostly consisting of birds known as Goshawks and Sparrowhawks.

These birds are slender with short broad rounded wings and a long tail which helps them maneuver in flight. They have long legs and long sharp talons used to kill their prey and a sharp hooked bill used in feeding. Females tend to be larger in size than males.

They often ambush their prey, capturing it after a short chase. They mainly eat small birds and mammals.

The typical flight pattern is a series of flaps followed by a short glide. They are commonly found in wooded or shrubby areas.

pecies in taxonomic order

* Northern Goshawk, "Accipiter gentilis"
* Eurasian Sparrowhawk, "Accipiter nisus"
* Grey-bellied Goshawk, "Accipiter poliogaster"
* Crested Goshawk, "Accipiter trivirgatus"
* Sulawesi Goshawk, "Accipiter griseiceps"
* Red-chested Goshawk, "Accipiter toussenelii"
* African Goshawk, "Accipiter tachiro"
* Chinese Goshawk, "Accipiter soloensis"
* Frances's Sparrowhawk, "Accipiter francesii"
* Spot-tailed Goshawk, "Accipiter trinotatus"
* Grey Goshawk, "Accipiter novaehollandiae"
* Brown Goshawk, "Accipiter fasciatus"
* Black-mantled Goshawk, "Accipiter melanochlamys"
* Pied Goshawk, "Accipiter albogularis"
* Fiji Goshawk, "Accipiter rufitorques"
* White-bellied Goshawk, "Accipiter haplochrous"
* Moluccan Goshawk, "Accipiter henicogrammus"
* Grey-headed Goshawk, "Accipiter poliocephalus"
* New Britain Goshawk, "Accipiter princeps"
* Black Goshawk, "Accipiter melanoleucus"
* Henst's Goshawk, "Accipiter henstii"
* Meyer's Goshawk, "Accipiter meyerianus"
* Chestnut-flanked Sparrowhawk, "Accipiter castanilius"
* Nicobar Sparrowhawk, "Accipiter butleri"
* Levant Sparrowhawk, "Accipiter brevipes"
* Slaty-mantled Sparrowhawk, "Accipiter luteoschistaceus"
* Imitator Sparrowhawk, "Accipiter imitator"
* Red-thighed Sparrowhawk, "Accipiter erythropus"
* Little Sparrowhawk, "Accipiter minullus"
* Japanese Sparrowhawk, "Accipiter gularis"
* Small Sparrowhawk, "Accipiter nanus"
* Rufous-necked Sparrowhawk, "Accipiter erythrauchen"
* Collared Sparrowhawk, "Accipiter cirrocephalus"
* New Britain Sparrowhawk, "Accipiter brachyurus"
* Vinous-breasted Sparrowhawk, "Accipiter rhodogaster"
* Madagascar Sparrowhawk, "Accipiter madagascariensis"
* Ovampo Sparrowhawk, "Accipiter ovampensis"
* Rufous-chested Sparrowhawk, "Accipiter rufiventris"
* Shikra, "Accipiter badius"
* Tiny Hawk, "Accipiter superciliosus"
* Semicollared Hawk, "Accipiter collaris"
* Sharp-shinned Hawk, "Accipiter striatus"
* White-breasted Hawk, "Accipiter chionogaster"
* Plain-breasted Hawk, "Accipiter ventralis"
* Rufous-thighed Hawk, "Accipiter erythronemius"
* Cooper's Hawk, "Accipiter cooperii"
* Gundlach's Hawk, "Accipiter gundlachi"
* Bicoloured Hawk, "Accipiter bicolor"
** Chilean Hawk, "Accipiter (bicolor) chilensis"
* Besra, "Accipiter virgatus"

External links & References

* [ Pictures of Accipiters and information about North American Accipiters]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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