- Pier Andrea Saccardo
Pier Andrea Saccardo (
23 April 1845 inVolpago del Montello , Treviso –12 February 1920 in Padua) was an Italian botanist and mycologist.Life
Saccardo studied at the Lyceum in
Venice , and then at the Technical Institute of theUniversity of Padua where, in 1867 he received hisdoctorate and in 1869 became a professor of Natural History. In 1876 he established the journal "Michelia" which published many of his early mycological papers. In 1879 he became a professor ofBotany and director of the botanical gardens of the university.Saccardo's scientific activity focused almost entirely on
mycology . He published over 140 papers on theDeuteromycota (imperfect mushrooms) and the Pyrenomycetes. He was most famous for his "Sylloge", which was a comprehensive list of all of the names that had been used formushrooms . "Sylloge" is still the only work of this kind that was both comprehensive for the botanical kingdom Fungi and reasonably modern. Saccardo also developed a system for classifying the imperfect fungi by spore color and form, which became the primary system used prior to classification by DNA analysis.Pier Andrea Saccardo — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Pier Andrea Saccardo Pier Andrea Saccardo … Wikipedia Español
Pier Andrea Saccardo — Pier Andrea Saccardo. Pier Andrea Saccardo (* 23. April 1845 in Volpago del Montello, Provinz Treviso; † 11. Februar 1920 in Padua) war ein italienischer Botaniker. Sein offizielles botanisches Autorenkürzel laut … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pier Andrea Saccardo — Pier Andrea Saccardo. Pier Andrea Saccardo est un mycologue Italien, né le 23 avril 1845 à Trévise et mort le 11 février 1920 à Padoue. Il travaille comme assistant à l université de Padoue en 1866 avan … Wikipédia en Français
Pietro Andrea Saccardo — Pier Andrea Saccardo. Pier Andrea Saccardo (* 23. April 1845 in Volpago del Montello, Provinz Treviso; † 11. Februar 1920 in Padua) war ein italienischer Botaniker. Sein offizielles botanisches Autorenkürzel lautet „ … Deutsch Wikipedia
Saccardo — Pier Andrea Saccardo. Pier Andrea Saccardo (* 23. April 1845 in Volpago del Montello, Provinz Treviso; † 11. Februar 1920 in Padua) war ein italienischer Botaniker. Sein offizielles botanisches Autorenkürzel lautet „ … Deutsch Wikipedia
Саккардо, Пьер Андреа — Пьер Андреа Саккардо итал. Pier Andrea Saccardo … Википедия
Liste der Biografien/Sac — Biografien: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q … Deutsch Wikipedia
Giacomo Bresadola — (Mezzana, Trento) 14 February 1847 ndash; Trento 9 June 1929) was an eminent Italian mycologist. Fungi he named include the deadly Lepiota helveola and Inocybe patouillardii , though the latter is now known as Inocybe erubescens as this latter… … Wikipedia
Giacomo Bresadola — Nacimiento … Wikipedia Español
Botánicos por la abreviatura del autor — Anexo:Botánicos por la abreviatura del autor Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Autor botánico es quien por primera vez describe una planta. Su nombre científico viene dado por su nomenclatura binomial seguida de la abreviatura del autor/es botánico/s … Wikipedia Español