chembox new
ImageFile = MDEA.png
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IUPACName = 3,4-methylenedioxy-"N"-ethylamphetamine
OtherNames =
Formula = C12H17NO2
Section1 = Chembox Identifiers
Abbreviations = MDEA
CASNo = 82801-81-8
PubChem =
SMILES = CCNC(C)Cc1ccc2OCOc2c1
InChI =
ATCCode =
Section2 = Chembox Properties
MolarMass =207.269 g/mol
Appearance =
Density = 1.041
MeltingPt =
Melting_notes =
BoilingPt = 247.3 @ 760mmHg
Boiling_notes =
Solubility = complete
SolubleOther =
Solvent =
pKa =
pKb =
IsoelectricPt =
SpecRotation =
RefractIndex = 1.469
Viscosity = 101cP @ 20C
Dipole =
Section3 = Chembox Structure
CrystalStruct =
Coordination =
MolShape =
Dipole =
Section4 = Chembox Thermochemistry
DeltaHf =
DeltaHc =
Entropy =
HeatCapacity =
Section5 = Chembox Pharmacology
AdminRoutes =
Bioavail =
Metabolism =
HalfLife =
Excretion =
Legal_status =
Legal_US =
Legal_UK =
Legal_AU =
Legal_CA =
PregCat =
PregCat_AU =
PregCat_US =
Section6 = Chembox Explosive
ShockSens =
FrictionSens =
ExplosiveV =
REFactor =
Section7 = Chembox Hazards
ExternalMSDS =
EUClass =
EUIndex =
MainHazards =
RPhrases =
SPhrases =
RSPhrases =
FlashPt =
Autoignition =
ExploLimits =
Section8 = Chembox Related
OtherAnions =
OtherCations =
OtherFunctn =
Function =
OtherCpds =MDEA (also MDE), which stands for 3,4-methylenedioxy-"N"-ethylamphetamine, is a
psychedelic hallucinogenic drug andempathogen-entactogen of thephenethylamine family. It is chemically very similar tomethylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA). MDEA differs from MDMA in that it has one morecarbon atom , and two morehydrogen atoms in the substituent on thenitrogen atom. The difference is evidenced in its name by the "ethyl " prefix, rather than the "methyl " prefix designating a single-carbon chain (seeAlkanes ). MDEA is sometimes sold as a substitute for ecstasy on theblack market . It can be prepared byreductive amination ofMDP2P .MDEA works by releasing
serotonin , aneurotransmitter that affects mood and perception. It requires a slightly larger dose (100–200mg) than MDMA with major effects lasting typically between three and five hours. [ [http://www.erowid.org/library/books_online/pihkal/pihkal106.shtml Erowid Online Books : "PiHKAL" - #106 MDE ] ] The subjective effects of MDEA are similar to MDMA. The euphoric "loved up" feelings associated with MDMA use are not as pronounced. The effects are also not as stimulating as MDMA, MDEA has somewhat of a stoning effect and may be responsible for rumors of heroin-laced ecstasy pills. However, MDEA does have a mildly hallucinogenic effect.References
External links
* [http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/mde/mde.shtml Erowid MDE Vault]
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