- Action (UML)
In the
Unified Modeling Language , an action is anamed element that is the fundamental unit ofexecutable functionality . The execution of an action represents sometransformation orprocessing in the modeledsystem . An action execution represents therun-time behavior of executing an action within a specific behavior execution. All action executions will be executions of specific kinds of actions because Action is anabstract class . "When" the action executes, and "what" its actualinput s are, is determined by the concrete action and the behaviors in which it is used.An action is the
specification of anexecutable statement and is thefundamental unit ofprocessing orbehavior in anactivity node that represents sometransformation in the modeledsystem .An action forms an
abstraction of a computationalprocedure which is anatomic execution and therefore completes withoutinterrupt ion. An action is considered to take zero time and cannot beinterrupt ed. In contrast, anactivity is a morecomplex collection ofbehavior that may run for a long duration. Anactivity may beinterrupt ed byevent s, in which case, it does not run to completion.An action is a
result of asystem state change, and isrealize d by sending amessage to an object or modifying alink or a value of anattribute .An action may receive
input s in the form ofcontrol flow s andobject flow s (the latter viainput pin s) andpass es theresult s of itsprocessing ortransformation s to one or more outgoingcontrol flow s orobject flow s (the latter viaoutput pin s) and ontodownstream nodes.Execution of the action cannot begin until all itsprerequisite s are satisfied. All incomingcontrol flow s havecontrol token s and allinput pin s haveobject token s.An action refers to the suite of
rule s and policiesassociate d with astate machine state , and is represented as an objectmethod .Actions are
contain ed within, and are provided context by activities.An action
behavior accompanies atransition event .Action types
On Entry : Occurs when anactivity is entered.
*Do : Occurs while anactivity is occurring. These are thestep s within theactivity .
*On Exit : Occurs when you leave anactivity .
*On Event : Occurs upon a specificevent (UML) .
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