- Euler's constant
Euler's constant (from
Leonhard Euler ) may refer to either of twomathematical constant s:
*Euler-Mascheroni constant
*"e" the base of naturallogarithm s
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Euler's constant (from
*"e" the base of natural
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Euler–Mascheroni constant — Euler s constant redirects here. For the base of the natural logarithm, e ≈ 2.718..., see e (mathematical constant). The area of the blue region is equal to the Euler–Mascheroni constant. List of numbers – Irrational and suspected irrational… … Wikipedia
Euler's Constant — The limit of the sum of 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 ... + 1/n, minus the natural log of n as n approaches infinity. Euler s constant is represented by the lower case gamma (γ), and appears in calculus as a derivative of a logarithmic function. It is … Investment dictionary
Euler's constant — … Useful english dictionary
Euler-Mascheroni-Konstante — γ Die Euler Mascheroni Konstante (nach den Mathematikern Leonhard Euler und Lorenzo Mascheroni), auch Eulersche Konstante, ist eine wichtige mathematische Konstante, die mit dem griechischen Buchstaben γ (Gamma) bezeichnet wird … Deutsch Wikipedia
Euler-Konstante — γ Die Euler Mascheroni Konstante (nach den Mathematikern Leonhard Euler und Lorenzo Mascheroni), auch Eulersche Konstante, ist eine wichtige mathematische Konstante, die mit dem griechischen Buchstaben γ (gamma) bezeichnet wird. Ihre Definition… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Euler's totient function — For other functions named after Euler, see List of topics named after Leonhard Euler. The first thousand values of φ(n) In number theory, the totient φ(n) of a positive integer n is defined to be the number of positive integers less than or equal … Wikipedia
Euler number — For other uses, see Euler number (topology) and Eulerian number. Also see e (mathematical constant),Euler number (physics) and Euler–Mascheroni constant. In mathematics, in the area of number theory, the Euler numbers are a sequence En of… … Wikipedia
Constant problem — In mathematics, the constant problem is the problem of deciding if a given expression is equal to zero. Contents 1 The problem 2 Results 3 See also 4 References … Wikipedia
Euler-Bernoulli beam equation — Euler Bernoulli beam theory, or just beam theory, is a simplification of the linear theory of elasticity which provides a means of calculating the load carrying and deflection characteristics of beams. It was first enunciated circa 1750, but was… … Wikipedia
Euler's disk — Euler s disk, named after Leonhard Euler, is a circular disk that spins, without slipping, on a surface. The canonical example is a coin spinning on a table. It is universally observed that a spinning Euler s disk ultimately comes to rest; and it … Wikipedia