Ivan Stodola

Ivan Stodola

Ivan Stodola (born 10 March 1888 in Liptovský Svätý Mikuláš, died 26 March 1977 in Piešťany) was Slovak dramatist and writer.


He was born in Liptovský Svätý Mikuláš in the family of professional tanner and teacher. He was educated in his hometown, Prešov and Kežmarok, and later, he studied medicine at college in Budapest and Berlin, earning a degree in 1912. At first, he worked as a doctor in Liptovský Svätý Mikuláš, but during World War I he also worked as a wartime doctor. After war, he returned to his hometown, and became an editor of magazine "Boj o zdravie" (Struggle for Health). In 1933, he became a regional health inspector and in 1938 - 1939 worked at Ministry of Health in Prague. In 1946 he earned a degree of lecturer of social pathology. In 1951 he worked in Bratislava, but in the same year he was illegitimately sentenced and imprisoned for eight years, but he was freed two years later as a result of amnesty. Since 1954, he lived in Piešťany as a pensioner. In 1967, he earned a title of national artist. He died at the age of 89 on 26 March 1977 in Piešťany. He is now interred in the National Cemetery in Martin.



* 1925 - "Žarty" (book form published in 1926)
* 1925 - "Daňové pokonávanie" (book form published in 1926)
* 1926 - "Náš pán minister "
* 1929 - "Čaj u pána senátora "
* 1931 - "Jožko Púčik a jeho kariéra "
* 1933 - "Cigánča "
* 1941 - "Keď jubilant plače "
* 1943 - "Mravci a svrčkovia"
* 1944 - "Komédia"


* 1928 - "Bačova žena"

Historical and romantic plays

* 1931 - "Kráľ Svätopluk"
* 1938 - "Veľkomožní páni"
* 1941 - "Marína Havranová " (book form published in 1942)
* 1946 - "Básnik a smrť" (it was later reworked and published in 1974 under name "Zahučali hory")
* 1948 - "Ján Pankrác"
* 1958 - "Pre sto toliarov"

Other dramatical works

* 1928 - "Belasý encián" (book form published in 1931)
* 1930 - "Posledná symfónia"
* 1935 - "Bankinghouse Khuvich and Comp. "

Memoir and autobiographical works

* 1947 - "Bolo, ako bolo"
* 1968 - "Náš strýko Aurel"
* 1969 - "Smutné časy, smutný dom"
* 1972 - "Z každého rožka troška"
* 1977 - "V šľapajach Hippokrata"

Minor book publications

* 1933 - "Z našej minulosti"
* 1947 - "Štvrťstoročné Železnô"
* 1965 - "Bolo ako bolo"

Filmed works

* 1947 - "Bačova žena" (under name "Varuj")
* 1958 - "Jožko Púčik a jeho kariéra" (under name "Statočný zlodej")

External links

* [http://www.osobnosti.sk/index.php?os=zivotopis&ID=58767 Ivan Stodola] (in Slovak only)
* [http://www.civil.gov.sk/archiv/CASOPIS/2006/13/1326se.htm Ivan Stodola] (in Slovak only)

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