- Jagged Alliance (series)
"Jagged Alliance" is a series of
turn-based tactics computer game s for the PC. From the first installment on, the series received critical acclaim and gained a significant cult following, although this never translated to major commercial success. The first games in the series were for DOS, but work well under all flavours ofMicrosoft Windows and in emulators likeDOSBox . From "Jagged Alliance 2" on, the games were developed usingDirectX for native Windows operation. "Jagged Alliance 2" was also released for Linux and is currently available on Steam for Windows.Description
Games of the "Jagged Alliance" series center on strategically controlling
mercenary squads, on and off the field, who fulfill various missions such as freeing countries from oppressivedictator s. A sticky phrase describes these games as "X-COM " with personality." They feature a unique mix ofturn-based small arms battle simulation, 4X (eXpand, eXploit, eXplore and eXterminate) elements and role-playing.Sharp
humour via spoken character comments is a trademark of the series. The characters of the individual mercenaries range from mildly eccentric to obviously disturbed, and their spoken lines give the games acartoon -like quality. This can be seen by some as inappropriate for a game with a subject matter linked so close towar anddeath , but the intent is to avoid a false sense of realism and overt references to real political events. Each mercenary is an individual with their own traits, and fans quickly selected their favourites from the lot (such as the dour, bearskin-cap wearing Ivan Dolvich, who spoke only Russian in the original game and broken English in the sequel). Part of the strategy and genius in the game was the player's freedom to select a multi-faceted team to win the game in different ways. And not all teams would work; for example, Ivan and his nephew Igor, who work well together, are hated by Steroid, the Polishbodybuilder . "Buns", a Danish markswoman, hates "Fox," amedic withcenterfold looks. In contrast, "Fox" loves working with "Grizzly," on whom she has something of a crush.There are also random relationships between characters: some characters will be friends in one game, ambivalent in another, and enemies in yet another. The mercenaries may be out on various assignments (again, determined randomly) so that the available pool of agents is never quite the same for each game.
The player has a reputation in the JA games. If they have a tendency to get their troops killed on a regular basis, soon only the most desperate-for-work mercs will work for them. If they regularly hire and dismiss members, they will get a reputation as an unreliable employer. Finally, being generally insensitive (such as dumping merc bodies at sea instead of paying for their body's shipment back home) will also make the mercenaries upset with them.
A bad reputation on the player's part affects all mercenaries. Again, the ones not hired may refuse to work with them, or they may demand a significant pay raise to consider it. Mercenaries under the player's charge may quit (unless things are really bad, the player usually gets an option to discreetly pay them a bonus and a raise to change their mind).
Many fans claim the turn-based combat system is the best that has ever been created in a 2D isometric environment.Fact|date=May 2007 They feel that from both viewpoints of tactical depth and practical playability, especially the second part of the series, this series is the yardstick of the genre.
"Jagged Alliance" mercenaries can choose to save up their allotted
action point s during their turn to attempt an interruption of the enemy turn. This provides for a simple, arcade-style system of switching theinitiative and break out of the normally sequential flow of turns during battle.The Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property (IP) for "Jagged Alliance" has been bandied about a great deal. The series and IP were created byMadlab Software [ [http://www.the-underdogs.info/games/j/jagged/files/jagged.pdf "Jagged Alliance" game manual] ] , who later became a part of the publisher for the first game,Sir-Tech Software, Inc. , along with a transfer of IP. The second game, "Jagged Alliance 2", was also started by Sir-Tech but when its publishing arm went bankrupt was transferred to its development house Sir-Tech Canada, and published byTalonSoft . By the time "Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished Business" was released, Sir-Tech's publishing arm was out of business and the game was released by Interplay. Subsequently, Talonsoft went bankrupt. At the moment,Strategy First owns the IP and has published "Jagged Alliance: Wildfire" and is extending the series with "Jagged Alliance 3D" and "Jagged Alliance 3".The first four "Jagged Alliance" games were developed by Mad Labs (later renamed Sir-Tech Canada Ltd.) which was Ian and Linda Currie plus a few other skilled artists and programmers. Ian and Linda Currie were the lead designers on the "Jagged Alliance" series. Sir-Tech Canada Ltd. was based in Ottawa, Ontario but has disappeared (
as of 2003 ). One other notable game Sir-Tech Canada Ltd. created was "Wizardry 8". [ [http://rpgvault.ign.com/articles/382/382291p1.html 2003 RPG Vault Linda and Ian Currie Interview] regarding "Wizardry 8" and "Jagged Alliance"]Titles in the series
"Jagged Alliance"
Released in 1994 for DOS this first game of the series tasks the player with freeing the island of Metavira from the greedy Santino. The player must recruit mercenaries as they explore, capture, and hold new territory. The natives harvest the valuable trees from which a revolutionarythumb|The_GUI for "Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games", showing the player's mercs bordering the playing field. In "Jagged Alliance 2", the mercs are lined up along the bottom.
medicine can be extracted; a result of the island having been used as a nuclear testing ground in 1952. The more trees the player holds, the more income they make. Income can be used to hire native guards and hire more mercenaries to take the offensive and clear more sectors of enemies.This game features a top-down perspective of the game field for battles, with character portraits framing the view on the left and right sides. A separate map view shows the entire country broken up into distinct conquerable sectors.
"Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games"
Released in 1995, "Deadly Games" is a DOS sequel to the original game. It features a different format, however, and is considered by some to be more of a spin-off than a sequel. This game features the same engine and top-down perspective as the original game.
In "Deadly Games", the player takes a group of mercenaries through a series of missions. The missions are linked chronologically, removing the need for micro-management on a strategic map. The scenario branches somewhat depending on the player's successes and failures. There are multiple terrain types, the mercenaries are hired and fired between missions, and the first equipment trader (Micky) of the series offers his services (occasionally he may sell the player a bunch of equipment that turns out to be junk prompting the mercs to exclaim "Micky just gave us the deep six!").
The most innovative aspects of "Deadly Games" include a wide variety of special ops mission types like hostage rescues, demolition and infiltration missions. Strategic features like turn limits and a boosted AI as well as networked multiplayer capabilities make this the most complete package in the series. The integrated scenario and campaign editors allow for the creation of custom strategic scenarios, adding to the
replay value .Merc weapons can be modified by addingscope s,silencer s and barrel extenders. Heavier equipment such asgrenade launcher s and mortars are available as well."Jagged Alliance 2"
This game was released in 1999 for Windows, and was later ported to
Linux byTribsoft . The mission of this second official game of the series is to free the country of Arulco from its evil dictator Queen Deidranna. Deidranna married the democratically elected King of Arulco, then launched a coup d'état eight years ago, deposing her husband and taking power for herself. The player is 'hired' by the exiled king, Enrico Chivaldori, to free his homeland of Deidranna's dictatorial rule.Gameplay is similar to the original grand adventure style of "Jagged Alliance", but features higher-resolution graphics and an isometric pseudo-3D view of the battleground. The terrain has two height levels (ground and rooftops) for player/enemy sprites and a basic physics engine for thrown objects and ballistics. It also features "destructible terrain" in that players are able to blow open walls and buildings with explosives. The game also takes place across diverse and rather imaginative locations including a multi-level prison facility, a school, a hospital, SAM sites, a vast swamp and a junkyard.
The weapons arsenal has grown considerably to include a variety of weapons based on real-life counterparts (such as
automatic weapons ,shotguns and rocket launchers) and also fictional weapons like an auto firing rocket rifle. There are some more roleplaying elements like specialty professions and the possibility to create a custom mercenary as well.Mercs can talk to one another during missions, usually spouting one-liners and other comments to each other.
JA2 has been extensively modded by fans of the series. Several popular mods for the game include 'Urban Chaos' and 'Deidranna Lives'. The version 1.13 mod adds numerous updates to the game, including support for higher screen resolutions, externalizations of items and weapons for ease of customization, hundreds of new weapons and items, an improved enemy AI, and weather effects.
"Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished Business"
This 2000 game is a shorter, more mission-based sequel. At the time of the release,
Sir-Tech was already financially in dire straits and the product title is rumoured to reflect the quirky Sir-Tech humour about a somewhat rushed product. Nevertheless, a number of very good mods add a lot of replayability. This release added some tweaks to the combat engine, as well as a somewhat limited scenario editor.This was the last Jagged Alliance developed by Sir-Tech Canada.
"Jagged Alliance 2: Gold edition"
This release added the improvements from "Unfinished Business" to the final release of "Jagged Alliance 2". "Unfinished Business" is included in the package. Like the rest of the series, this version of "Jagged Alliance" is out of print, but as of July 2006 it is available via the Steam content delivery system, as well as Turner Broadcasting's Gametap. Although playable this version does have a bug which causes the player to have infinite money rendering financial strategy irrelevant. The expansion "Unfinished Business" contains a bug which results in the player unable to save his progress. Strategy First has acknowledged the issues but has failed to provide a fix. [ [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=538497 6 months later - Steam Users Forums ] ] [ [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=528784 JA2 Gold should not be sold - Steam Users Forums ] ] [ [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=508704 Known bug list? Finances, Pablo, Item respawning - Steam Users Forums ] ]
One difference with the "Gold Pack" version from the original is the change to the advanced difficulty. In the original version, the advanced difficulty choice makes all turns timed. This is especially noticeable when getting an "interrupt"; at lower levels, the player might only have 3-4 seconds to try and get their shots off, and no time to switch weapons or try a different tactic. But the "Gold Pack" incorporates the change to gameplay introduced with "Unfinished Business", i.e., the "JA2"'s advanced difficulty modification is that the player can no longer save in combat, and their turn doesn't end until they use all of their action points.
"Jagged Alliance 2: Wildfire"
Originally a user mod, "Wildfire" was released in 2004 as another official add-on by the new publisher. It features a campaign that is decidedly more challenging than other user mods, or indeed than the standard game. The game's
sourcecode was also published in the package, albeit under a slightly restrictivelicense .A renewed commercial release of Wildfire v6 through European publisher
Zuxxez in the spring of 2005 saw the Jagged Alliance series staying on shop shelves more than five years after the debut of its second iteration."Jagged Alliance 3D" and "3"
Strategy First andGame Factory Interactive announced in June 2004 thatRussia n developerMiST Land South would develop the next two games in the "Jagged Alliance" series: "Jagged Alliance 3D" (JA3D) and "Jagged Alliance 3" (JA3)."Jagged Alliance 3D" was envisioned as "JA2 in 3D", or basically the same game as "Jagged Alliance 2" but using a 3D engine. "Jagged Alliance 3" would be the "true sequel" to JA2, a full-fledged game in the same spirit as JA2, and using the engine developed for JA3D. JA3D would come out quickly, within a year or two of the release of the generally successful "Wildfire" mod, and be followed by "Jagged Alliance 3". SFI choose GFI because GFI had already released "
Cops 2170 ", a tactical-strategy game published by SFI in North America. The two companies already had a relationship, and it was felt the JA3D project could be mutually beneficial.From statements made by both Strategy First and Game Factory Interactive, it is apparent that GFI assumed the costs for the development, with SFI providing the intellectual property and the overall vision for the project. This arrangement proved to be very cumbersome, and prone to misunderstandings and confusion. SFI, naturally enough, had very ambitious goals for JA3D while GFI sought to control development costs and time. [ [http://www.ag.ru/articles/interviews/jagged_alliance_3d/3743 "Jagged Alliance 3D Interview"] from Absolute Games 1.5]
The initial plan was for GFI to use a modified "
Cops 2170 " engine to quickly produce JA3D. However, GFI already had a second strategy game in production, "", and they made the decision to use this engine for both games. GFI planned to set the game in Africa, which was fine with SFI. However, GFI ran into trouble with the strategic layer for Jagged Alliance. They proposed a mission-based structure for JA3D instead. There would be no free-flowing strategic layer, as in "Jagged Alliance" and "Jagged Alliance 2" where the player made strategic movement decisions, and initiated attacks on a map. Instead, the game would be structured like "Jagged Alliance : Deadly Games", with a series of missions, which were essentially combat-only levels. SFI was resistant to the idea, but agreed to it, feeling this would shorten the development time. Besides, JA3D was always intended as a bridge between JA2 and JA3, so it was acceptable that it was not a "full game".In 2004, initial screenshots of the new engine were released, showing a somewhat primitive 3D engine with familiar "Jagged Alliance" characters, such as Shadow.
In May 2005, the MiST Land South developers announced they would be discarding the turn-based combat system in favor of real-time combat. The turn-based combat had been a hallmark of "Jagged Alliance" from the very beginning, and it was a major reason why most fans stayed with the game. This announcement was a surprise to
Strategy First , and was very quickly vetoed by Richard Therrien, VP product development of SFI.In September 2005, SFI withdrew the rights for "Jagged Alliance 3" from GFI, leaving them with the "JA3D" license only. [ [http://www.strategyfirst.com/press/DisplayArticle.asp?sLanguageCode=EN&iArticleID=3299 "Strategy First Terminates Their Agreement With Game Factory Interactive For The Development Of Jagged Alliance Games"] press release]
A pre-beta version of "JA3D" was shown at the 2006
E3 convention, and received a generally favorable reception. [ [http://www.strategycore.co.uk/pg/e32006ja3dhandson "E3 2006 Jagged Alliance 3D Hands-On Preview"] from StrategyCore] The gameplay appeared to be very similar to "Jagged Alliance 2", with updated and improved graphics, as well as a 3D combat engine.On
July 20 2006 , Game Factory Interactive announced that MiST Land South was being dissolved, as ofAugust 1 2006 . [ [http://www.gfi.su/index_text_and_img.php?idt=359&langid=2&categ_id=34&men_id=7 "MiST land – South ceases functioning"] press release]In August 2006, SFI withdrew the rights to "JA3D" as well. GFI claims that the game simply did not fit within SFI's plans. SFI, on the other hand, states that "JA3D" was in an incomplete state and not ready for the scheduled release date. It was obvious that SFI, having faced years of development without any progress, had finally given up on the project.
This left GFI with no rights to use any of the intellectual property of "JA3D", including characters and story line. GFI now plans to rework the characters and story to remove "Jagged Alliance"-specific details, and will publish the game under a different name. In a
September 3 2006 post on its discussion boards, GFI claims that SFI owes it money, but this is denied by SFI without further elaboration. Ironically, one of the changes GFI plans to make to "JA3D" is the introduction of a strategic layer.Strategy First intended to produce "Jagged Alliance 3" internally, with head developer Thiessen promising a much more open experience than any other "Jagged Alliance" game. There were expected to be five separate factions to fight in "JA3", instead of a single enemy. Characters were said to have their own agendas and allegiances in addition to randomization of various settings of the game upon startup in order to make it less predictable; a character who was allied with the player in one game could be their enemy in the next. Player actions were also said to influence how the characters of the world react to them.
In December
2006 , Strategy First outsourced "Jagged Alliance 3" again.The publisher along withAkella andF3games , both Russian developers, will create the game. It now appears the game will be once again delayed. Planned release date was in third quarter of 2008, however Akella's website now shows the release date Q1 2010. This is probably due to publishers demand to improve graphics. [ [http://www.jacenter.pl/readarticle.php?article_id=194 Interview with creators of "Jagged Alliance 3"] from Jagged Alliance Central]Planned features:
*Realistic damage models for characters and structures.
*Non-linear mission basis.
*Varying weather conditions.
*Coop and multiplayer modes.
*Four different sides to choose from."Hired Guns: The Jagged Edge"
In November 2007
Game Factory Interactive released "". [ [http://www.gfi.su/index1.php?langid=2&idt=675&categ_id=&men_id "Hired Guns: The Jagged Edge"] from gfi.sui] The game does not have any storyline or characters in common with "JA2", as GFI lost the rights to use any of the intellectual property of Strategy First. Still, the game is structurally similar to Jagged Alliance series, as it features a mercenary-themed plot, turn-based gameplay, and a familiar game interface."Jagged Alliance DS" (tentative title)
In June 2005, Pocket PC Studios and Strategy First announced a conversion of "Jagged Alliance 2 Gold" for the
Nintendo DS ."Jagged Alliance: The Movie" (tentative title)
In March 2007, Strategy First announced that they had penned a deal for the creation of a film based upon the Jagged Alliance property. The film will be produced by [http://www.unionent.com Union Entertainment] .
Digital distribution
July 6 2006 "Jagged Alliance 2" was made available to buy via the Steam distribution service. It is also available via download fromManifesto Games ."Jagged Alliance 2 Wildfire (v5)" is being distributed electronically via [http://www.strategyfirst.com/ StrategyFirst] 's website.
"Jagged Alliance 2 Wildfire (v6)" is being distributed electronically via [http://www.zuxxez.com/ ZUXXEZ] 's website.
Two versions of the same game (Wildfire) exist due to the game's publisher Strategy First, Inc. falling out after a [http://www.ideal-games.com/news/20041108.aspx disagreement] with the game's developer, I-Deal Games Studios concerning expenses. Version 5 is the version published by SF before this spat and so is more problematic than v6, the version released through ZUXXEZ and others by the developer since the incident.
"Jagged Alliance 2: Gold" is available via
GameTap References
External links
* [http://www.jaggedalliance.com Official "Jagged Alliance 2" website]
* [http://www.ja2.de/wf/index.html Official "Wildfire" website]
*moby game|id=-group/jagged-alliance-series|name=The "Jagged Alliance" series
*dmoz|Games/Video_Games/Strategy/Turn-Based/Jagged_Alliance_Series|The "Jagged Alliance" seriesNews
* [http://www.strategyfirst.com/press/DisplayArticle.asp?sLanguageCode=EN&iArticleID=3043 Press release on new "Jagged Alliance" games]
* [http://tgnforums.stardock.com/index.aspx?aid=138720&c=1 Jagged Alliance 3 Re-Announced]
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