- Song of Degrees
Song of Degrees, Song of Steps, Gradual Psalms, Song of Ascents (Hebrew: שיר המעלות, Shir Hama'aloth) or Hymn of Degrees is a title given to fifteen of the
Psalms , that each starts with the words "Shir Hama'alot" (A Song of Ascents) and which are numbered 120–134 in theMasoretic recension (119–133 in theSeptuagint ). The probable origin of this name is the circumstance that these psalms came to be sung by the people on the ascents or goings up toJerusalem to attend thethree pilgrim festivals (]Christian liturgy
The liturgical use of these psalms came into Christianity through its Jewish roots. The form of the
Scriptures used in theEarly Church , at least so far as theOld Testament was concerned, was primarily theSeptuagint . In the Septuagint, these psalms are numbered 119–133.Many early
hermit s observed the practice of reciting the entirePsalter daily,coenobitic communities would chant the entire Psalter through in a week, so these psalms would be said on a regular basis, during the course of theCanonical hours .Eastern Christianity
In the
Eastern Orthodox Church and thoseEastern Catholic Churches which follow theByzantine Rite , the Songs of Degrees make up the EighteenthKathisma (division of the Psalter), and are read on Friday evenings atVespers throughout theliturgical year . The Kathisma is divided into three sections (called "stases") of five psalms each.During
Great Lent the Eighteenth Kathisma is read every weekday (Monday through Friday evening) at Vespers, and on Monday through Wednesday ofHoly Week . In the Slavic usage this Kathisma is also read from theapodosis of theExaltation of the Cross up to theforefeast of the Nativity of Christ, and from the apodosis of Theophany up to theSunday of the Prodigal Son . The reason for this is that the nights are longer in winter, especially in the northern latitudes, so during this season three Kathismas will be chanted at Matins instead of two, so in order to still have a reading from the Psalter at Vespers, the Eighteenth Kathisma is repeated.Anavathmoi
Matins on Sundays andfeast day s throughout the year, special hymns called "anavathmoi" (Greek: άναβαθμοί, from βαθμός, 'step'; Slavonic: "stepénnyi") are chanted immediately before theprokeimenon andMatins Gospel . These anavathmoi are compositions based upon the Hymns of Degrees, and are written in theeight tones ofByzantine chant . The Anavathmoi for each tone consists of three "stases" or sets of verses (sometimes calledantiphon s), except for Tone 8 which has four stases. On Sundays, the anavathmoi are chanted according to the tone of the week; on feast days which do not fall on Sunday, the Avavathmoi almost always consist of the first stasis in Tone 4 (based on Psalm 128). [Citation
last =Kallistos (Ware)
first =Archimandrite
author-link =Timothy Ware
contribution =
year =1969
title =The Festal Menaion
editor-last =
editor-first =
volume =
series =
page =549
place =London
publisher =Faber and Faber
id =
isbn =0-571-11137-8
url =
accessdate = ]Symbolically, the anabathmoi are chanted as a reminder that Christians are ascending to the
Heavenly Jerusalem , and that the spiritual intensity of the service is rising as we approach the reading of theGospel .Western Christianity
The Western
Daily Office was strongly influenced by theRule of St. Benedict , where these psalms are assigned to Terce,Sext and None on weekdays. Over the centuries, however, various schedules have been used for reciting the psalms. In the modernLiturgy of the Hours of theRoman Catholic Church , the Gradual Psalms are read at daytime prayer on solemnities, except for certain solemnities of the Lord and during the octave of Easter and those solemnities falling on Sunday. [Citation
last =
first =
author-link =
contribution =Plan for the Distribution of the Psalms in the Office
year =February 2, 1971
title =General Instruction for the Liturgy of the Hours
editor-last =
editor-first =
volume =
series =
pages =
place =
publisher =The Catholic Liturgical Library
id =
isbn =
url = http://www.catholicliturgy.com/index.cfm/FuseAction/documentText/Index/2/SubIndex/39/ContentIndex/27/Start/2
accessdate = 2008-05-18]Jewish World: Present Day Application
It is traditional to say Psalms 126:1-6, 145:21, 115:18, 118:1, and 106:2 [ http://www.headcoverings-by-devorah.com/ShirHaMaalot_SongOfAcents.htm] before one begins the
Birkat Hamazon on the Sabbath Day and onJewish Holidays References
External links
* [http://zemirotdatabase.org/view_song.php?id=112 Recordings of musical settings, hebrew text, translation, transliteration on The Zemirot Database]
* [http://ison.squarespace.com/music-library/Paraklesis.PDF Anabathmoi, Tone 4] (in English, set to modern musical notation)
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.