Stanislaus Mink von Wennsshein
- Stanislaus Mink von Wennsshein
Stanislaus Mink von Wennsshein (also Wenusheim, Winusheim) was the pseudonym of Johann Just Winkelmann (1620 - 1699), under which he introduced a famous mnemonic system known as the major system (also called phonetic system or phonetic mnemonic system), which is over 300 years old and is used for memorizing numbers.
External links
* [ Stanisl. Mink von Weunßhem: Relatio novissima ex parnasso de arte reminiscentiae, Das ist: Neue wahrhafte Zeitung aus dem Parnassus von der Gedechtniß-Kunst.] - original publication in German and Latin, ca. 1648, digital facsimile.
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