Tertullus — Tertullus, 1) Sachwalter in Jerusalem, zur Zeit, da Felix Statthalter in. Judäa war; durch ihn klagten Ananias u. die Ältesten den Paulus vor dem Statthalter zu Cäsarea des Aufruhrs u. der Tempelentweihung an. T. soll später Christ geworden sein … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
TERTULLUS — I. TERTULLUS inter adulteros Faustinae, apud Capitolin. c. 29. in Marco. II. TERTULLUS nomen Oratoris cuiusdam, accusatoris Pauli, Actor, c. 24. v. 1. Item Consul, A. C. 412 … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
TERTULLUS Qu. Flavius — Consul, cum T. Flavio Clemente, A. C. 195 … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Tertullus — A modification of Tertius; a Roman advocate, whom the Jews employed to state their case against Paul in the presence of Felix (Acts 24:1 9). The charges he adduced against the apostle were, First, that he created disturbances among the Romans… … Easton's Bible Dictionary
Tertullus — The prosecuting counsel on behalf of the Jews who accused Paul of disturbing the peace (Acts 24:1–8). The name is Latin but he may have been a Jew. His advocacy was only partly successful; Paul s trial was adjourned by Felix the procurator… … Dictionary of the Bible
Attius Insteius Tertullus — (flourished between 280 308) was a Roman urban prefect.He was a descendant of Lucius Insteius Tertullus, who was sodalis Augustalis (i.e. priest of the deified Augustus) in 214. Having risen to become a senator, Tertullus served as consul suffect … Wikipedia
Sextus Sulpicius Tertullus — war ein römischer Politiker und Senator des 2. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. Tertullus bekleidete im Jahr 158 das ordentliche Konsulat und war um 173/174 Prokonsul der Provinz Asia. Literatur PIR ² S 1022 Kategorien: Konsul (Römische Kaiserzeit)Geboren im … Deutsch Wikipedia
Nazarene (title) — For other uses, see Nazarene (disambiguation). Mary s Well, said to be the site of the Annunciation, Nazareth, 1917 Nazarene is a title applied to Jesus (c. 4 BC c. AD 30), who grew up in Nazareth … Wikipedia
Nazarene (sect) — This article is about the 4th Century Jewish Christian group contemporary with the Ebionites. For alternative etymologies for Nazarene and comparable terms in Hebrew, see Nazarene (title). For other uses, see Nazarene (disambiguation). The… … Wikipedia
Liste der römischen Konsuln — Die Liste der römischen Konsuln (fasti consulares) bildete das Grundgerüst der römischen Geschichtsschreibung und der Datierung der modernen römischen Archäologie, da nach den Namen der eponymen Konsuln die Jahre bezeichnet wurden. Die Namen der… … Deutsch Wikipedia