- Sexual evolution
Sexual evolution may refer to:
*Evolution of sex
*Sexual selection
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Sexual evolution may refer to:
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Sexual harassment — is unwelcome attention of a sexual nature and is a form of legal and social harassment. It includes a range of behavior from seemingly mild transgressions and annoyances to actual sexual abuse or sexual assault. (Dziech et al 1990, Boland 2002)… … Wikipedia
Sexual dimorphism in non-human primates — has long been observed in the primate family, with numerous studies performed to document and explain the phenomenon. Recent studies have mainly used the technique of comparative analysis to examine both the variation in the expression of the… … Wikipedia
Sexual conflict — occurs when the two sexes have conflicting optimal fitness strategies concerning reproduction, leading to evolutionary arms race between males and females. It has primarily been studied in animals, though it can in principle apply to any sexually … Wikipedia
Sexual reproduction — is the creation of a new organism by combining the genetic material of two organisms. The two main processes are: meiosis, involving the halving of the number of chromosomes; and fertilization, involving the fusion of two gametes and the… … Wikipedia
Evolution — ist die Veränderung der vererbbaren Merkmale einer Population von Lebewesen von Generation zu Generation. Diese Merkmale sind in Form von Genen kodiert, die bei der Fortpflanzung kopiert und an den Nachwuchs weitergegeben werden. Durch Mutationen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sexual — Sex u*al, a. [L. sexualis, fr. sexus sex: cf. F. sexuel.] Of or pertaining to sex, or the sexes; distinguishing sex; peculiar to the distinction and office of male or female; relating to the distinctive genital organs of the sexes; proceeding… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sexual dimorphism — Sexual Sex u*al, a. [L. sexualis, fr. sexus sex: cf. F. sexuel.] Of or pertaining to sex, or the sexes; distinguishing sex; peculiar to the distinction and office of male or female; relating to the distinctive genital organs of the sexes;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sexual method — Sexual Sex u*al, a. [L. sexualis, fr. sexus sex: cf. F. sexuel.] Of or pertaining to sex, or the sexes; distinguishing sex; peculiar to the distinction and office of male or female; relating to the distinctive genital organs of the sexes;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sexual selection — Sexual Sex u*al, a. [L. sexualis, fr. sexus sex: cf. F. sexuel.] Of or pertaining to sex, or the sexes; distinguishing sex; peculiar to the distinction and office of male or female; relating to the distinctive genital organs of the sexes;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Evolution (Film) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Évolution. Evolution est une comédie américaine réalisée par Ivan Reitman, sortie en 2001. Sommaire 1 Synopsis 2 Fiche techn … Wikipédia en Français