- Ezhikkara
Ezhikkara is a
panchayat and a suburb ofParavur inParavur Taluk ofErnakulam District ,Kerala . TheParavur -Chathanad road (9 km) passes through this village. This road is considered as the most easiest way to reach Kochi fromParavur and other Northern districts. The road requires Chathanad -Kadamakkudy bridge, Kadamakkudy -Mulavukad road for 5 km, then the road is connected toErnakulam through the Goshree bridge (6 km). If the road is constructed thenParavur will be a satellite town of Kochi and the distance between them will be reduced to 20 km. At present there is a ferry service between Chathanad and Kadamakkudy, as well as a boat service to Ernakulam. Places in this village include Chathanad,Kadakkara ,Lankayil ,Kedamangalam , andNanthiattukunam , etc.
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