- Ini (Stephen King)
In the
Stephen King /Richard Bachman parallel-worlds novels "Desperation " and "The Regulators ", the term "ini" refers to adimension al portal; in this case, a smallaperture (only about aninch across in "Desperation", and somewhat larger in "The Regulators") that connectsEarth to the dimension in which Tak was originally imprisoned by ancient forces unknown.Despite its manifestation as a physical structure made of simple stone in Earth's dimension, the "ini" appeared to be
magic ally incapable of being widened further to allow Tak's physical body to escape its extradimensional prison, since the various mining expeditions and demolitions made in China Pit over the years failed to ever widen the aperture, and since Tak never even attempted to have its "can-tak " and/or "can-toi " use the vast resources at its disposal to do so despite resenting its centuries of imprisonment there.The term "ini" is phonologically similar to "thinny," a similar (if not the same) phenomenon seen in King's Dark Tower novels.
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