- Flora of the Antipodes Islands
This is a list of taxa comprising the flora of the
Antipodes Islands . It includes some species known asmegaherbs .Algae
In 1985, 116 species of marine algae were recorded at the Antipodes Islands. At least three species of freshwater algae have been recorded, but these have not yet been positively identified: a species of "
Chlorella ", at least one species of "Chlamydomonas ", and aXanthophyceae , perhaps "Tetrakenton " or "Goniochloris ".Fungi
The only
fungi recorded from the Antipodes Islands are "Puccinia caricina " and a "Claviceps " (Ergot) species.Lichens
The following species of
lichen have been recorded from the Antipodes Islands:
* "Cladia aggregata "
* "Cladia retipora "
* "Cladina confusa "
* "Cladonia campbelliana "
* "Cladonia capitellata "
* "Cladonia cervicornis" subsp. "verticillata"
* "Everniastrum sorocheilum "
* "Menegazzia circumsorediata "
* "Opegrapha diaphoriza "
* "Parmelia cunninghamii "
* "Pseudocyphellaria coronata "
* "Pseudocyphellaria glabra "
* "Stereocaulon argus "
* "Stereocaulon ramulosum "
* "Usnea torulosa "
* "Usnea" cf. "xanthopoga"
* "Xanthoria ligulata "Liverworts
The following species of
liverwort have been recorded from the Antipodes Islands:
* "Adelanthus occlusus "
* "Anastrophyllum schismoides "
* "Chandonanthus squarrosus "
* "Chiloscyphus erraticus "
* "Chiloscyphus furcistipulus "
* "Chiloscyphus physanthus "
* "Clasmatocolea paucistipula "
* "Cuspidatula monodon "
* "Frullania falciloba "
* "Frullania scandens "
* "Gackstroemia weindorferi "
* "Jamesoniella colorata "
* "Lejeunea primordialis "
* "Lepidolaena hodgsoniae "
* "Lepidolaena taylori "
* "Lepidozia glaucophylla "
* "Lophocolea bidentata "
* "Lophocolea hodgsoniae "
* "Lophocolea gunniana "
* "Lophocolea minor "
* "Lophocolea nova-zelandiae "
* "Lophocolea semiteres "
* "Lophocolea " sp.
* "Marchantia berteroana "
* "Marsupidium abbreviatum "
* "Metzgeria decipiens "
* "Metzgeria disciformis "
* "Pallavicinia xiphoides "
* "Plagiochila deltoidea "
* "Plagiochila radiculosa "
* "Plagiochila sinclairii "
* "Plagiochila strombifolia "
* "Porella elegantula "
* "Telaranea corticola "
* "Telaranea patentissima "
* "Tylimanthus tenellus "Mosses
The following species of
moss have been recorded from the Antipodes Islands:
* "Breutelia pendula "
* "Bryum argenteum "
* "Bryum blandum "
* "Campylopus clavatus "
* "Campylopus introflexus "
* "Ceratodon purpureus "
* "Dicranoloma robustum "
* "Drepanocladus fluitans "
* "Lembophyllum clandestinum "
* "Leptostomum inclinans "
* "Muelleriella crassifolia "
* "Pohlia wahlenbergii "
* "Polytrichadelphus magellanicus "
* "Polytrichum juniperinum "
* "Ptychomnion aciculare "
* "Racomitrium crispulum "
* "Rhynchostegium tenuifolium "
* "Sphagnum australe "
* "Sphagnum falcatulum "
* "Tayloria purpurascens "
* "Willia calobolax "Lycopods
Three species of
lycopod have been recorded from the Antipodes Islands:
* "Lycopodium fastigiatum "
* "Lycopodium scariosum "
* "Lycopodium varium "Ferns
The following species of
fern have been recorded from the Antipodes Islands:
* "Asplenium obtusatum "
* "Asplenium terrestre "
* "Blechnum durum "
* "Blechnum fluviatile "
* "Blechnum penna-marina "
* "Blechnum " sp.
* "Grammitis billartierei "
* "Grammitis magellanica" subsp. "magellanica"
* "Grammitis givenii "
* "Histiopteris incisa "
* "Hymenophyllum flabellatum "
* "Hymenophyllum minimum "
* "Hymenophyllum multifidum "
* "Hypolepis millefolium "
* "Phymatosorus diversifolius "
* "Polystichum vestitum "
* "Pteridium esculentum "Flowering plants
The following species of
monocotyledon have been recorded from the Antipodes Islands:
* "Agrostis magellanica "
* "Aporostylis bifolia "
* "Carex appressa "
* "Carex sectoides "
* "Carex ternaria "
* "Carex trifida "
* "Chiloglottis cornuta "
* "Corybas trilobis "
* "Isolepis aucklandica "
* "Isolepis cernua "
* "Juncus scheuchzerioides "
* "Lachnogrostis leptostachys "
* "Luzula crinita" var. "crinita"
* "Poa annua "
* "Poa antipoda "
* "Poa breviglumis "
* "Poa foliosa "
* "Poa litorosa "
* "Prasophyllum colensoi "
* "Puccinellia antipoda "
* "Uncinia hookeri "Dicotyledons
The following species of
dicotyledon have been recorded from the Antipodes Islands:
* "Anisotome antipoda "
* "Apium prostratum "
* "Stilbocarpa polaris "
* "Helichrysum bellidioides "
* "Lagenifera petiolata "
* "Leptinella plumosa "
* "Pleurophyllum criniferum "
* "Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum "
* "Senecio radiolatus "
* "Sonchus asper "
* "Taraxacum magellanicum "
* "Cardamine corymbosa "
* "Lepidium oleraceum "
* "Callitriche antarctica "
* "Colobanthus apetalus "
* "Colobanthus muscoides "
* "Stellaria decipiens" var. "decipiens"
* "Stellaria decipiens" var. "angustata"
* "Stellaria media "
* "Crassula moschata "
* "Gentiana antipoda "
* "Geranium microphyllum "
* "Pratia arenaria "
* "Epilobium alsinoides" subsp. "atriplicifolium"
* "Epilobium pedunculare "
* "Rumex neglectus "
* "Montia fontana "
* "Acaena minor" var. "antarctica"
* "Coprosma ciliata "
* "Coprosma perpusilla" subsp. "subantarctica"
* "Coprosma rugosa "
* "Coprosma rugosa" x "ciliata"
* "Urtica australis "References
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