Soyuz TM-31

Soyuz TM-31

Soyuz TM-31 was Russian passenger transportation spacecraft launched by a Soyuz-U rocket at 07:52 UT on October 31, 2000.


Launched: ISS Expedition 1 crew:
*Yuri Gidzenko (2)
*Sergei Krikalev (5)
*William Shepherd (4) - USA

*Talgat Musabayev (3)
*Yuri Baturin (2)
*Dennis Tito (1), Spaceflight Participant - USA

Mission parameters

*Mass: ? kg
*Perigee: 190 km (118 mi)
*Apogee: 249 km (155 mi)
*Inclination: 51.6°
*Period: 88.6 minutes

Docking with ISS

*Docked to ISS: November 2, 2000, 09:21 UTC (to aft port of Zvezda)
*Undocked from ISS: February 24, 2001, 10:06 UTC (from aft port of Zvezda)
*Docked to ISS: February 24, 2001, 10:37 UTC (to nadir port of Zarya)
*Undocked from ISS: April 18, 2001, 12:40 UTC (from nadir port of Zarya)
*Docked to ISS: April 18, 2001, 13:01 UTC (to aft port of Zvezda)
*Undocked from ISS: May 6, 2001, 02:21 UTC (from aft port of Zvezda)

Mission highlights

The Soyuz carried a crew of three to dock it with the Zvezda module of the International Space Station (ISS) at about 09:21 UT on November 2. The Progress M1-3 cargo craft that was docked with Zvezda was released to make way for the Soyuz. The crew of two Russian and one American spent over three months on the ISS, and returned to Earth in an American shuttle (STS-102) in February 2001. In the initial days, the crew brought a variety of life support systems on-line, and created a lap-top computer network that helped run all systems in the ISS. The remaining months were allotted for exercise and space endurance practice. The crew was first group of a planned decade-long "permanent inhabitation" of the ISS.

Previous Mission:
Soyuz TM-30
Soyuz programmeNext Mission:
Soyuz TM-32

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