- University Academy
University Academy is a
K-12 college preparatory charterpublic school located in Kansas City,Missouri .MISSIONThe mission of University Academy is to prepare students to succeed in an institution of higher education and to participate as leaders in society.
VISIONUniversity Academy was founded by people who believe deeply that students living in Kansas City, Missouri deserve the opportunity to have an excellent college preparatory education. The founders' vision was to establish a school that emphasizes college preparation, career development, community service and leadership.
PHILOSOPHYThe philosophy of the University Academy is rooted in the mission of University Academy. We expect all of our students to have the skills they need to succeed in college. Consequently, we have made the following commitments to help our students acquire those skills:
A commitment to achieve rigorous educational results, to adding value each year to the students’ knowledge and capacity to learn
A commitment to serve the whole child and to help students and their families manage issues that have the potential to detract from the students’ opportunity and motivation to learn
A commitment to engage the interest, expertise, and participation of parents to build a school culture characterized by high expectations for students behavior and academic excellence, and shared accountability for results.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.