Kitāb al-Hayawān (Aristotle)

Kitāb al-Hayawān (Aristotle)

The "Kitāb al-hayawān" (كتاب الحيوان, English: "Book of Animals") is an Arabic translation in 19 treatises ("maqālāt") of the following zoological texts by Aristotle:

"Historia Animalium" : treatises 1-10
"De Partibus Animalium" : treatises 11-14
"De Generatione Animalium" : treatises 15-19

While the book is often attributed to one Yahyà bin al-Bitrīq, the translator is unknown. However, from certain oddities in the Arabic, it has been deduced that it is a translation of a lost Syriac version. The complete text is available only in MS form (in Tehran), but treatises 11-14 ("De Partibus") have been edited as "Ajzāal-hayawān (The Parts of Animals)" (Ed. ‘Abd al-Rahmān al-Badawī. Kuwait: Wakālat al-matbūāt, 1978), and 15-19 ("De Generatione") as " kawn al-hayawān (On the Being of Animals)" (Ed. J. Brugman and H.J. Drossaart Lulofs. Leiden: Brill, 1971).

References in Islamic Philosophy

The first known mention of the book appears in a text by the Arab philosopher Al-Kindī (d. 850). Ibn Sīnā (Avicenna) seems to have had direct knowledge of the book, as he paraphrased and commented upon the full text in his encyclopedic Al-Shifā. In Spain, the 12th-century philosopher Ibn Bājja (Avempace) wrote on "De Partibus" and "De Generatione". It has been remarked that one usually finds references to the "Historia" in the Eastern Islamicate world, while the other two books are generally referred to in the West, and in conformity to this pattern, Ibn Rushd (Averroes), like Ibn Bājja, wrote commentaries on "De Partibus" and "De Generatione" (see below), in which he criticizes Ibn Sīnās interpretations.

References in Islamic Zoography

"Kitāb al-hayawān" was known at least indirectly to several important zoographers including Al-Jāhiz ("Kitāb al-hayawān"), Al-Masūdī ("Murawwaj al-dhahab"), Abū Hayyān al-Tawhīdī ("Al-Imtāwa al-muānasa"), Al-Qazwīnī ("‘Ajāib al-makhlūqāt"), and Al-Damīrī ("Hayāt al-hayawān"). They may have known the Aristotelian "Kitāb al-hayawān" at second hand from Arabic compendiums of selected passages from the book. The only extant compendium is the "Maqāla tushtamalualà fusūl min kitāb al-hayawān", attributed (probably falsely) to Mūsà bin Maymūn (Moses Maimonides), and the Greek "Compendium" of Nicolaus Damascenus was at least partially available by the 11th century.

"K. al-hayawān" in the Christian West

Finally, Michael Scots early 13th-century Latin translation of the "Kitāb al-hayawān", "De Animalibus", is worthy of mention as the vehicle of transmission into Western Europe. It was alleged by Roger Bacon that Scothad appropriated to himself the credit of translations which more properly belonged to one Andreas the Jew.” This may mean that he had help with the Arabic MS, or that he worked fully or in part from a Judaeo-Arabic or Hebrew version. Scot's "De Animalibus" is available in a partial edition (Scot, Michael. "De Animalibus". Vols 1-3. Leiden: Brill, 1992).

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