- Saskatchewan Archaeological Society
The Saskatchewan Archaeological Society is a society of amateur and professional archaeologists who encourage the preservation of archaeological artifacts and sites, publish, educate and assist the public in the interest of archaeological activities. As well, the Saskatchewan Archaeological Society assists in the formation of local branches of archaeological communities such as the Regina Archaeological Society. Many of the archaeology sites of Saskatchewan are of aboriginal ancestry ad include rock paintings, habitation sites,
medicine wheels , as well as kill and processing sites.Archaeology focuses on the anthropological study of human history and lifestyle using artifacts.askatchewan Archaeological Sites
According to the 'Map of Saskatchewan Archaeology', there are more than 20,000 archaeological sites in
Saskatchewan . The Saskatchewan Heritage Branch of the Saskatchewan Government manages the archaeological site files. An introduction to some of the archaeological sites around and about Saskatchewan are:* Stanley Mission : Aboriginal History
* The Aboriginal Rock Paintings of theChurchill River : Aboriginal History
* Waterway sites such as : Sjovold Site south ofOutlook
* [http://www.ancientechoes.ca Ancient Echoes Interpretive Centre] atHerschel : Consists ofpetroglyph , paleontology, aboriginal and pre-historic/dinosaur finds
* Wanuskewin Heritage Park Archaeological Interest nearSaskatoon
* St. VictorPetroglyphs Saskatchewan Provincial Park
* Bushfield West site nearNipawin
* Fort Pelly and other historic Trading Post sites
*Rescue Archaeology ExcavationDoukhobor Kirilovka Village Siteee also
List of archaeological sites sorted by country
*List of archaeologists
*List of archaeological periods
*GIS in archaeology
*Virtual artifact
*Boyd Wettlaufer , Father of Saskatchewan archaeologyExternal links
* [http://canoesaskatchewan.rkc.ca/arch/sasadd.htm Saskatchewan Archaeological Society Canoe Saskatchewan suite]
* [http://gentt.sasktelwebsite.net/ Saskatchewan Archaeological Society - Regina Archaeological Society]
* [http://www.archaeolink.com/saskatchewan_archaeology.htm Saskatchewan Archaeology]
* [http://www.royalsaskmuseum.ca/research/what/arch_report2.shtml Royal Saskatchewan Museum: Research: What We Are Working On: Archaeology, 2001 Report #2]
* [http://members.tripod.com/kweinbender/id23.htm Ohter Archaeological Sites Visited]
* [http://www.wanuskewin.com/Educational.aspx#Archaeological%20Background Wanuskewin Heritage Park]
* [http://www.virtualsk.com/current_issue/wanuskewin.html Virtual Saskatchewan - Wanuskewin Heritage Park]
* [http://www.se.gov.sk.ca/saskparks/ParkInfo/parks/park.asp?park=St.%20Victor%20Petroglyphs Park Information St. Victor Petroglyphs]
* [http://www.cyr.gov.sk.ca/map_of_saskatchewan_archaeology.html Culture Youth and Recreation | Map of Saskatchewan Archaeology]
* [http://saskschoolboards.ca/research/curriculum/90-08.htm A Handbook For Teaching Archaeology In Saskatchewan Schools]
* [http://www.cyr.gov.sk.ca/heritage.html Culture Youth and Recreation | Heritage]
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