- French Geodesic Mission
The French Geodesic Mission (also called the Geodesic Mission to Peru, First Geodesic Mission and the Spanish-French Geodesic Mission) was an 18th-century expedition to
Ecuador carried out for the purpose of measuring the roundness of theEarth and measuring the length of a degree oflongitude at theEquator . The mission was one of the firstgeodesic (or "geodetic") missions carried out under modern scientific principles, and the first major international scientific expedition.Background
In the 18th century, there was significant debate in the scientific community, specifically in the
French Academy of Sciences "(Académie des sciences)", as to whether the circumference of the Earth was greater around the Equator or around the poles. French astronomerJacques Cassini held to the view that the polar circumference was greater. Louis XV, theKing of France and the Academy sent two expeditions to determine the answer: one was sent to Lapland, close to theNorth Pole , under Swedish physicistAnders Celsius and French mathematician Pierre Maupertuis. The other mission was sent to Ecuador, at the Equator. Previous accurate measurements had been taken inParis by Cassini and others.Expedition
The equatorial mission was led by French
astronomer sCharles Marie de La Condamine ,Pierre Bouguer ,Louis Godin and Spanish geographers Jorge Juan andAntonio de Ulloa . They were accompanied by several assistants, including the naturalist Joseph de Jussieu and Louis's cousin Jean Godin. They were joined in Ecuador by Ecuadoran geographer and topographer Pedro Maldonado. (Maldonado later traveled to Europe to continue his scientific work.):"Note:" In the 18th century the nation of Ecuador did not yet exist. The area was under Spanish control and was called the "Territory of Quito" after the city of Quito. The fame brought to the region by the French Geodesic Mission appears to have influenced the adoption of the name, "Republic of Ecuador" when the country gained independence in 1830.
The Ecuadoran expedition left
France in May 1735. They landed on theCaribbean coast inColombia and traveled overland toPanama , then sailed to Ecuador. In Ecuador, they split into three groups, traveling overland through rainforests, arriving inQuito in June 1736.Bouguer, La Condamine, Godin and their colleagues measured arcs of the Earth’s curvature on the Equator from the plains near
Quito to the southern city ofCuenca . These measurements enabled the first accurate determination of the size of the Earth and led to the establishment of the internationalmetric system of measurement.They completed their survey measurements by 1739, measuring the length of an arc of three degrees at the Equator. They did this in spite of earlier news that the expedition to Lapland led by Maupertuis had already finished their work and had proven that the Earth is
oblate , "i.e.", flattened at the poles. However, problems with astronomical observations kept them in Ecuador several more years.Bouguer returned first from the expedition, going overland to the Caribbean and then to France. La Condamine, along with Maldonado, returned by way of the
Amazon River . Godin took a position as professor inLima , where he helped rebuild the city after the devastating 1746 earthquake, and returned to Europe in 1751. Bouguer, La Condamine and the Spanish officers each wrote separate accounts of the expedition, which opened up European eyes to the exotic landscapes, flora and fauna of South America, and led directly to the great naturalist expeditions byAlexander von Humboldt and others.Observations during the mission
*Ulloa and Juan visited the architectural Inca complex in
San Agustin de Callo and subsequently wrote a descriptive document of what they observed at the ruins. Ulloa made a drawing of the ruins. [http://www.incahacienda.com/pages/history.html]*The scientists witnessed two eruptions of the
Cotopaxi volcano in 1743 and 1744. [http://www.incahacienda.com/pages/history.html]Expedition members first came across rubber tapping (and thus rubber), the discovery of the active form of quinine (anti-malarial agent) and the development of what became the Metric System for units of measure.
ubsequent mission
In the late 19th century, the Academy of Sciences sent another mission to Ecuador to confirm the results of the First Geodesic Mission. This second mission was led by General
Charles Perrier .Publications
*"Relación histórica del viaje a la América meridional", Jorge Juan and Ulloa, 1748
*"Figure de la terre determine", Bouguer, 1749
*"Journal du voyage", La Condamine, 1751Monument
Two reproductions of the pyramids that marked the baseline for meaurement at Yaruqui (which had been destroyed in the 1740s) were erected in 1836, the centennial of the expedition. Newer monuments went up in 1986. The new Quito international airport will open on the site in 2009, and will contain a museum that will display information on the Gedoesic Mission.
In 1936, the French American Committee of Ecuador sponsored the idea of the Ecuadoran geographer Dr. Luis Tufiño and raised a monument commemorating the bicentennial of the arrival of the First Geodesic Mission. They raised a 10-meter-high
monument atMitad del Mundo inSan Antonio de Pichincha , inPichincha Province of Ecuador. However, there is no record that the Mission ever visited the area.ee also
*History of geodesy ources
* [http://www.ecuadorsbest.com/mitaddelmundo.html Mitad del Mundo Half of the World: First Geodesic Mission]
* [http://www.mobot.org/mobot/research/ecuador/geography.shtml “Geography”, by David A. Neill]
* [http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Printonly/Cassini_Jacques.html Jacques Cassini]
* [http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Biographies/Cassini_Jacques.html Jacques Cassini]
* [http://www.incahacienda.com/pages/history.html History of San Agustin de Callo]
* [http://terrymockler.blogspot.com/2005/02/historic-cultural-and-scientific.html Historic Cultural and Scientific Expeditions to Equator and Ecuador...]
* [http://www.equaguia.com/mitaddelmundo/historical.html Historical Brief Description of the Middle of the World and Its Monument]
* [http://www.guba.com/watch/3000084220 BBC Video. Voyages of Discovery: Figure of the Earth. (Part 1 of 2)]
* [http://www.guba.com/watch/3000084236 BBC Video. Voyages of Discovery: Figure of the Earth. (Part 2 of 2)]
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