SUT has many meanings:

* S.U.T. is a southern rap group from Clute, Texas. The members include Snoop (born Eric Torres), and Suave (born Geoffrey Domingues); Phat Sack also makes some of their beats (born Matt Smith).
* System Under Test in the context of software testing.
* Sport Utility Truck, essentially an SUV with a truck bed.
* Sport Utility Tractor, a light truck similar to a semi-truck, but smaller.
* Sport Utility Trailer, a travel trailer with a garage area. Also referred to as a Toy Hauler.
* One model of Hummer's H2 is called [ H2 SUT] .
* Surface and Underwater Target, an electric driven, wire guided torpedo with active and passive homing capabilities of 53.3 cm diameter made by STN Atlas for ASW and ASuW.
* Schulz Und Tegener GmbH, a German motor manufacturer.
* Sharif University of Technology, an Iranian university.
* Shenyang University of Technology, a Chinese university.
* Suranaree University of Technology, a Thai university.
* Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia
* Supply and Use Table, a table part of the United Nations System of National Accounts.
* SUT, an interjectable adjective used to express a positive feeling. A greeting. SUT can be used in many different contaxts in many different ways. "Of profound proverbial nature with universal appeal and eschatological implications." SUT means SUT. Originating at Juniata College, Huntingdon Pennsylvania

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  • süt — is. 1) Kadınların ve memeli dişi hayvanların yavrularını beslemek için memelerinden gelen, besin değeri yüksek beyaz sıvı 2) bit. b. Bazı bitkilerin türlü organlarında bulunan beyaz renkte öz su 3) Erkek balığın tohumu 4) Süte benzeyen her türlü… …   Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük

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  • SUT — Pick up Un pick up (ou pickup), aussi appelé SUT (Sport Utility Truck), est une sorte de camionnette muni d une benne ou d un espace ouvert à l arrière. Au Québec, c est d ailleurs le terme camionnette qui est utilisé pour désigner ce véhicule.… …   Wikipédia en Français

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