

infobox catalan municipio

comarca=Vallès Oriental

Granollers is a city near Barcelona, in Catalonia, Spain. It is the capital and most densely populated city of the comarca of Vallès Oriental.

La Porxada, a Renaissance building which served as a grain storehouse, is an emblematic building. On Corró street, there is the ancient hospital of Sant Domènec, now the Francesc Tarafa theatre, a good example of restored Gothic architecture. Granollers is a bustling business centre, and many industries are located there. However, in the southern portion of the municipality, the Palou area retains the agricultural characteristics of years gone by.

Granollers forms a conurbation with Canovelles, Les Franqueses del Vallès and theneighbourhood of La Torreta in La Roca del Vallès. The city is crossed by the river Congostwhich is an affluent to the Besòs river. Granollers has 14'89 square km and a population of 100,000 habitants with a metropolitan area of nearby 160,000. It is considered to be situated in the second crown of Barcelona metropolitan area.


Granollers was the birthplace of:

* Aleix Espargaró
* Pol Espargaró
* Rafael Estirado
* David Largo
* Gerard López
* Fermi Puig
* Jaume Ribas
* Josep Maria Ruera
* Marc Valiente
* Antoni Cumella


infobox catalan municipio demography


* Panareda Clopés, Josep Maria; Rios Calvet, Jaume; Rabella Vives, Josep Maria (1989). "Guia de Catalunya", Barcelona:Caixa de Catalunya. ISBN 84-87135-01-3 (Spanish). ISBN 84-87135-02-1 (Catalan).

External links

* [ Official site]
* [ Official Guide]
* []
* [ Football team]
* [ Athletics Club]

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