Zero option

Zero option

The "Zero Option" was a name given to the negotiated withdrawal of all United States intermediate range nuclear missiles from Europe. U.S. President Ronald Reagan announced this plan on November 18, 1981.

In return for the U.S. withdrawal, the plan required the Soviet Union to remove 1,100 nuclear missiles or else the U.S. would deploy additional missiles that had yet to be built.

Since it was a near certainty that the Soviet Union would refuse this offer, it was seen by many to have been designed to be rejected so that the U.S. could deploy the new missiles without condemnation by critics there and abroad. [ [ Reagan and Nuclear Disarmament ] ]

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  • zero option — noun 1. A proposal, orig made by President Reagan of the United States, to limit or abandon the deployment of (medium range) nuclear missiles if the opposing side does likewise 2. (loosely) a proposal to abandon or eliminate a particular range,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • zero option — noun singular an agreement by which two countries decide to get rid of their nuclear weapons at the same time …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • zero option — /zɪəroʊ ˈɒpʃən/ (say zearroh opshuhn) noun (during the Cold War period) a proposal for a reduction of nuclear weapons with the ultimate aim of there being no long range nuclear missiles held by NATO or the Soviet Union in Europe. Compare double… …  

  • zero option — noun a disarmament proposal for the total removal of certain types of weapons on both sides …   English new terms dictionary

  • double zero option — see zero zero option under ↑zero • • • Main Entry: ↑double …   Useful english dictionary

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  • zéro — [ zero ] n. m. • 1485; empr., pour remplacer l a. fr. cifre « zéro », puis « chiffre », à l it. zero, d ab. zefiro, transcription de l ar. sifr « vide; zéro »; cf. chiffre 1 ♦ Symbole numéral (0) destiné à remplacer, dans la numération écrite,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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