

Ba'al-Perazim (Hebrew "Owner of Breakings Through") was a place in ancient Israel.

It was the scene of a victory gained by David over the Philistines (2 Samuel 5:20; 1 Chronicles 14:11). It is called Mount Perazim in Isaiah 28:21. It was near the Valley of Rephaim, west of Jerusalem.

Some scholars suggest a site 4 km northwest of Jerusalem, named Sheikh Bodr, to be identical with Ba'al-Perazim.

Charles C. Higgins has written a paper on the top of Baal Perezim in which he revises standard charts of the end times. He thinks that many flood scriptures written of by liberal theologians as echos of the Gilgamesh epic are actually descriptions of a great end time earthquaake and tsunami.

Scriptures also possibly referring to Baal Perezim as a great end time earthquake and Tsunami are Revelation 16:19-20; 18:21, Psalm 46:1-11, Habakkuk 3, Luke 21:25, Matthew 24:37, Deuteronomy 33:17, Numbers 24:7-9.

Karen Davis has a music CD by Galilee of the Nations which contains an instrumental titled "Baal Perezim".

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