Tolerance interval

Tolerance interval

A tolerance interval is a "statistical interval" within which, with some confidence, a specified proportion of a population falls. This differs from a confidence interval in that the confidence interval bounds a population parameter (the mean or variance, for example) with some confidence, while the bounds of a tolerance interval are a range of possible data values that represents a specified proportion of the population. In simpler terms, a confidence interval characterizes what is known about a single quantity while a tolerance interval characterizes what is known about values across a collection of items.

If the confidence is 100%, because the population distribution parameters are known exactly, then the tolerance interval reduces to a "probability interval".

External links

*See [ The NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods] , 2004 July 17.
*In particular Section - [ Tolerance intervals for a normal distribution]
*See "Quality Control Handbook", Juran.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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