Gudrun Ensslin

Gudrun Ensslin

Gudrun Ensslin (IPA2|ˈguːdʁuːn ˈɛnsliːn; 15 August 194018 October 1977) was a founder of the German terrorist group Red Army Faction (Rote Armee Fraktion, or RAF, also known as the Baader-Meinhof Gang.) After becoming romantically involved with co-founder Andreas Baader, Ensslin was influential in the radicalization of Baader's left-wing beliefs and the intellectual head of the RAF.

Early life

Ensslin was born in the village of Bartholomä in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, the fourth of seven children. Her father, Helmut Ensslin, was a pastor of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD). Ensslin was a stereotypical good girl, who did well at school and enjoyed reading the Bible. In her family, the social injustices of the world were often discussed and Gudrun is said to have been sensitized to social problems in West Germany and the world as a whole. According to the History International channel's episode of International Profile called "The Baader-Meinhof Gang," (original air date Dec. 3, 2007), Ensslin was a direct descendant of the famous German philosopher G. W. F. Hegel.

At the age of eighteen, Gudrun got the chance to spend a year in the United States of America, where she attended a high school in Pennsylvania. After high school, she received a scholarship from the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, like Ulrike Meinhof and Horst Mahler, two other members of the Red Army Faction, due to her excellent exams. Gudrun went to study philosophy, Anglistik (English Studies) and Germanistik (German Studies), where she met Bernward Vesper. His father had been a poet for the Nazis and Bernward published his work with Ensslin. Vesper still thought like his father and was a right-wing German, but on the other hand, he was also a left-wing German and some of his thoughts were a mixture of both, so were his texts. Gudrun Ensslin defined herself through her boyfriends and so she was also not sure, whether to be more right or left at this time in Tübingen, where both studied. Together with two other students, Ensslin and Vesper started a small business, a publishing house called "Studio neue Literatur". At this time, Ensslin also tried to become a teacher. In 1965 Gudrun and Bernward got engaged and moved to West Berlin, where Gudrun worked on a doctorate at the Free University. In West Berlin, they demonstrated against the Bomb and the presence of American military bases.

In May of 1967, Ensslin gave birth to a son, Felix Robert. The relationship between Ensslin and Vesper was however doing badly, and Ensslin became engrossed in the prevailing left-wing culture. Further strains were put on the relationship when Ensslin participated in an experimental film entitled Das Abonnement ("The Subscription") [ [ Schröder & Kalender » Blog Archive » Making of Pornography (15) ] ] .

In June of 1967 Ensslin participated in political protests against the Shah of Iran, who was visiting Germany at the time. Though the Shah was viewed by governments in the West as a reformer, his regime was known to be brutal against political opponents, and the state police force (SAVAK) was believed to routinely torture prisoners.

=A Leader of the RAF=

Fights broke out between pro-Shah and anti-Shah factions on the Shah's arrival. A young man by the name of Benno Ohnesorg was shot in the back of the head by a police officer. (The organisation known as the Movement 2 June, which would become allied to the RAF, was named after this event.) The next night, Gudrun Ensslin angrily denounced West Germany as a fascist state at a political meeting.

The police officer, Karl-Heinz Kurras, was charged with manslaughter and acquitted of the charge on 23 November 1967 causing a public outrage. Things cooled down however, and this enraged Ensslin. She left Bernward Vesper and her child in January 1968 and with Andreas Baader, whom she had met in the summer of 1967, she decided to actively fight "the system". On the night of 2 April 1968 two fires broke out in two department stores in Frankfurt. Baader, Ensslin, Thorwald Proll and Horst Söhnlein were arrested three days later, and in October 1968 were sentenced to three years in prison. They were released pending an appeal in June 1969, but fled when the appeal was dismissed. Baader was arrested on 3 April 1970. Ensslin, Ulrike Meinhof, who was at that time a well-known leftist polemicist, and two other women freed him on 14 May 1970. One person was shot. This was the beginning of the gang's violent crimes, and the RAF. Ensslin became one of the most wanted people in Germany. She was arrested in a boutique on 8 June 1972 in Hamburg.


Several attempts to free her from prison, through hostage-taking by sympathizers and so-called members of the 2nd generation of the RAF, failed. One was the abduction of Hanns-Martin Schleyer on 5 September 1977, and when this failed to work, the hijacking of a Lufthansa airliner on 17 October. When the airplane was stormed by a German anti-terrorist unit, Schleyer was killed, and Ensslin was found hanging in her cell early in the morning of 18 October. Officially, her death was ruled a suicide. However, sympathizers and Irmgard Möller, the only surviving RAF member imprisoned at Stammheim Prison, insist that the deaths had been extrajudicial executions.

Ensslin's life story was fictionalized into the film "Marianne and Juliane".

ee also

*German Autumn
*Members of the Red Army Faction


Other References

* Ellen Seiter, "The Political Is Personal: Margarethe von Trotta's "Marianne And Juliane" "Journal Of Film And Video" 37.2 (1985) : 41 - 46.
*Film: "Marianne and Juliane", with original German title "Die bleierne Zeit", directed by Margarethe von Trotta in 1981.
*Book: "Hitler's Children" by Jillian Becker []
*Book: "Televisionaries" (Televisionaries: the red army faction story 1963-1993) by Tom Vague []

External links

* [ Hanged Gudrun Ensslin... the most wanted German terrorist]

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