Ottone Visconti

Ottone Visconti
Archbishop Ottone Visconti
Lord of Milan
Ottone Visconti in a hypothetical 19th century drawing
Ottone Visconti in a hypothetical 19th century drawing
Coat of arms
Coat of arms of the House of Visconti, used from 1277
The House of Visconti coat of arms (1277-1395).
Father Ubaldo Visconti
Mother Anastasia Pirovano
Born 1207
Died August 8, 1295
Abbey of Clairvaux
Burial Milan Cathedral
Occupation Archbishop, Podestà of Novara

Ottone Visconti (1207August 8, 1295) was an archbishop of Milan, a member of the Visconti family and the founder of their rule in Milan.


He was the son of Ubaldo Visconti, lord of Massino, Albizzate and Besnate, and one Anastasia (some sources attribute her the Pirovano last name). Before the accession to the archbishopric, he was assistant to the Papal legate and cardinal Ottaviano Ubaldini. In 1260 he was Podestà of Novara.

On July 22, 1262 Visconti succeeded as archbishop of Milan to Leone da Perego, elected by Pope Urban IV in opposition to Martino della Torre and Manfredi of Sicily. He fought for the rule of the city with the Torriani family, and especially with Napo della Torre, who had denied him access to Milan and had defeated an army under Teobaldo Visconti, Ottone's nephew, at Angera in 1276. However, in the following year Ottone decisively defeated him in the Battle of Desio: this victory began the rule of Visconti over Milan and Lombardy, which lasted until 1450.

As effective lord of the city, he embellished it and enhanced the economy.

As an old man he retired to the Abbey of Clairvaux, entrusting the seigniory to his nephew Matteo. He died there in 1295.

Angera castle ( Varese ). Hall of Justice - Fresco showing Ottone Visconti, archbishop of Milan, returning to Milan in 1277 ( detail ).  
Angera castle ( Varese ). Hall of Justice - Fresco showing the battle of Desio in 1277 ( detail ).  
Angera castle ( Varese ). Hall of Justice - Fresco showing Ottone Visconti, archbishop of Milan, and his army in 1277.  
Ottone Visconti, Arcbishop of Milan.  
The shared grave of Archbishops Ottone Visconti († 1295) and Giovanni Visconti is preserved inside the Milan Cathedral, Italy. It was sculpted by an anonymous Campionese master, and it originally stood in Santa Tecla church. A latin poem is sculpted on it, signed by a Sabino de' Zamorei from Parma and dated 1354


  • Crivelli Visconti, Vittorio Urbano (1972). La nobiltà lombarda. Bologna. p6. 

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