- Western Gunfighters
Supercbbox| title=Western Gunfighters
caption=Cover to "Western Gunfighters" #22, October 1956 (first series). Art byJoe Maneely .
publisher=(1st series)Atlas Comics
(2nd series)Marvel Comics
date=(1st series) June 1956 - August 1957
(2nd series) August 1970 - November 1975
issues=(1st series) 8
(2nd series)33
writers=Stan Lee ,Jerry Siegel ,Sol Brodsky
pencillers=(1st series)Syd Shores ,Alex Toth ,Reed Crandall ,Don Heck
(2nd series)Dick Ayers ,Gil Kane
creators="Western Gunfighters" is the name of two American Western omnibus
comic book series published byMarvel Comics .Publication history
Atlas Comics
The first series, in the 1950s, was published by Atlas Comics, the precursor to Marvel. The series replaced the "Apache Kid" comic, beginning its numbering at #20, where "Apache Kid" had left off.
Stan Lee wrote many of the stories, with contributions fromJerry Siegel andSol Brodsky . Artists includedDon Heck ,Syd Shores ,Alex Toth , andReed Crandall .Marvel Comics
The second was a 1970s series notable for introducing the second and third versions of the
Phantom Rider (also known as the Western Ghost Rider) in issue #7 (Jan. 1972). The first issue of this series introduced the characterGunhawk and the short-lived feature "Renegades" — "The Fugitive " times four, in the Old West. The second series also featured reprints from other Marvel westerns of the 1950s. Artwork for the new stories was provided primarily byDick Ayers References
* [http://comics.org/ The Grand Comic Book Database]
* [http://www.atlastales.com Atlas Tales]
* [http://www.maelmill-insi.de/UHBMCC/ The Unofficial Handbook of Marvel Comics Creators]
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