Vostani Serbije

Vostani Serbije

Vostani Serbije ("Arise, Serbia"; Serbian Cyrillic: "Востани Сербије"), also known as Pesma na insurekciju Serbijanov ("Ode to the Uprising of the Serbs") was a national anthem of revolutionary Serbia, written by Dositej Obradović during the First Serbian Uprising against Ottoman Empire in 1804. It is one of the best known patriotic songs in the country, and for some time it was considered as a potential national anthem following the replacement of the old Yugoslav anthem "Hej Sloveni". The poem was set to music thrice by V. Baronijan, Z. Vauda and Lj. Manasijević. [ [http://www.vreme.com/arhiva_html/513/25.html Iz licnog ugla ] ]


;Literal English translation:

Arise, Serbia, arise, empress,
and let your children see your face.
Let them turn their hearts and eyes to you,
and let them hear your sweet voice.


Arise, Serbia!
You fell asleep a long time ago,
And have lain in the dark.
Now wake up
And rouse the Serbs!

Raise high your imperial head,
So that land and sea may know you again.
Show Europe your beautiful face,
As bright and cheerful as that of the morning star.


Heavenly Providence now comes to your aid,
A better destiny is being revealed to you.
All your neighbours wish you well,
Nations from afar rejoice at your success.



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