- Feck
"Feck" (or, in some senses, "fek") is a monosyllable with several
vernacular meanings and variations in Irish English, Scots andMiddle English .Modern Irish English
Slang expletive employed as an attenuated alternative (minced oath ) to "fuck " or express disbelief, pain, anger, or contempt in a given situation*
Verb meaning 'to steal' (e.g. 'They had fecked cash out of the rector's room.'James Joyce , "Portrait of the Artist" (1964) p. 40)*
Verb meaning in Irish slang 'to throw' (e.g. 'He's got no manners at all. I asked him nicely for the remote control, and he fecked it across the table at me.')*
Verb meaning in Irish slang "to leave hastily"(e.g. "He's after feckin off down the road when he saw the shades!"Feck as an expletive
Vernacular usage of "feck" in the expletive sense is syntactically interchangeable with "fuck", though it has no sexual connotations. This includes such phraseological variations as "fecker" (noun ), "fecking" (verb oradjective ), and "feckin' 'ell". It can even be used to describe a person: "he's an old feck". It is not uncommon for school teachers and some members of the religious order to use the word 'feck' as an expletive in Ireland thus demonstrating the word's peculiarity in meaning to Ireland where it does not equate to the word 'fuck' as many people outside Ireland tend to think.cots and Late Middle English
"Feck" (or "fek") is a form of "effeck", which is in turn the Scots form of . However, this Scots noun has additional significance:
#Efficacy; force; value; return
#Amount; quantity (or a large amount/quantity)
#The greater or larger part (when used with a definite article)From the first sense we derive "", meaning witless, weak or ineffective; worthless; irresponsible; indifferent; lazy. "Feckless" remains a part of the
Modern English andScottish English lexicon s; it appears in a number of Scottishadage s::"Feckless folk are aye fain o ane anither."
:"Feckless fools should keep canny tongues."
In his 1881
short story "Thrawn Janet",Robert Louis Stevenson invokes the second sense of "feck" as cited above::"He had a feck o' books wi' him—mair than had ever been seen before in a' that presbytery..."
Robert Burns uses the third sense of "feck" in the finalstanza of his 1792 poem "Kellyburn Braes"::I hae been a Devil the feck o' my life,:Hey, and the rue grows bonie wi' thyme;:"But ne'er was in hell till I met wi' a wife,":And the thyme it is wither'd, and rue is in prime.
Pop culture
Channel 4 situation comedy "Father Ted " inadvertently helped to export and popularise this use of "feck" through its characters' liberal use of the word. In an interview,Dermot Morgan explained that, inIreland , "feck" is far less offensive than "fuck ".In a 1998 interview on Nickelodeon, Irish girl group "
B*Witched " landed in hot water when a viewer complained one of the teenagers used the phrase "fuck off." Although Nickelodeon maintained that the singer had in fact said "feck off," which they described "a phrase made popular by the Channel 4 sitcom "Father Ted"," the item was found to be in breach of the ITC Programme Code. [http://www.ofcom.org.uk/static/archive/itc/itc_publications/complaints_reports/programme_complaints/show_complaint.asp-prog_complaint_id=78.html]The word "feck" also frequently appears extensively in the
Nintendo 64 video game "Conker's Bad Fur Day ", in which the word replaces "fuck" in all instances. It should be noted, however, that this substitution is in no way trying to limit cursing; the game itself is riddled with blatant swearing and innuendo. It is not known whether this substitution is due to the nationality of the producers or simply to give the game a lighter mood.The word "feck" is also used in the movie "
Almost Famous " by Cameron Crowe, as an alternative to the word "fuck". A teen girl (played byZooey Deschanel ) who is angry at her overbearing, strict mother (Frances McDormand ) shouts, "Feck you!" Her mother is taken back by this, stating aside to her 11-year-old son (Michael Angarano ), "I can't believe she said the F-word," to which he replies, "I think she said 'feck'."In the 1981 film "Caveman", "feck" is used as a general term of disparagement. After Atouk's band of misfits defeats Tonda, the crowd joins in proclaiming "Tonda feck! Atouk! Atouk! ATOUK!" [http://www.mgm.com/title_clip.php?title_star=CAVEMAN]
*Walker, Colin S. K. "Scottish Proverbs".
Edinburgh : Birlinn Limited, 1996. ISBN 1-874744-30-0
*"Webster's College Dictionary". New York:Random House , 1996. ISBN 0-679-43886-6
*"Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary".Springfield, Massachusetts : G. & C. Merriam Company Co., 1913.
* [http://www.irishslang.net Irish Slang]
* [http://www.englishirishdictionary.com/ Irish Dictionary Online]ee also
*False cognate
*Hiberno-English - Turns of phrase
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