company_name = SOASTA, Inc. | company_type = Private
company_slogan = Automated web testing.
foundation = February 2006
location = Mountain View, CA
key_people = Ken Gardner, Executive Chairman and Tom Lounibos, CEO
industry = Web testing
products = SOASTA Concerto
num_employees = approx. 20
homepage = [http://www.soasta.com/ www.soasta.com]SOASTA, (pronounced "sō'-sta"), is an automated web testing company based in
Mountain View, California . SOASTA is best known for its founder, Executive ChairmanKen Gardner , and for its CEOTom Lounibos .Gardner is a software-industry veteran and six-time entrepreneur, having previously been the founder and CEO of Istante (acquired by
Oracle Corporation in December 2004); Sagent Technology (IPO in April 1999); ReportSmith (acquired byBorland in March 1994); and ViewPoint Systems (acquired byKnowledgeWare in June 1992). Lounibos most recently served as president and chief executive officer of Kenamea. Prior to Kenamea, Lounibos was president and CEO of Dorado Corporation, a financial services software provider.SOASTA's primary product, SOASTA Concerto, automates the testing, certification, and demonstration of web services, SOA implementations, BPEL orchestrations, and web applications typical of
Service oriented architecture (SOA). SOASTA Concerto is capable of performing functional , load or stress, as well as performance testing.SOASTA Concerto's drag-and-drop user interface is modeled after mixing-board and multimedia player applications. When applied to the
XML message units used withinweb services this design eliminates the need for extensive scripts inPerl or Python and as a result lowers the expertise necessary to certify and test web services.Users can access the SOASTA Concerto service via the
Mozilla Firefox andInternet Explorer browsers.External links
[http://www.soasta.com/ SOASTA Homepage]
* [http://ajax.sys-con.com/read/541659.htm SOASTA Named 2008 'Cool Vendor' by Gartner Group]
* [http://www.webpronews.com/blogtalk/blogtalk/wpn-58-20061019SOASTAFounderTalksSOAandServices.html SOASTA Founder Talks SOA and Services]
* [http://www.ebizq.net/blogs/bda/2006/09/the_power_of_visualization_hum.php The Power of Visualization: Human Oriented Design and SOA Testing]
* [http://scobleizer.com/2006/10/19/how-can-microsoft-keep-its-platform-alive/ How Can Microsoft Keep Its Platform Vibrant]
* [http://www.podtech.net/scobleshow/technology/1236/a-look-into-startup-soasta-automated-web-testing-tool-maker The Scoble Show: A look into startup SOASTA, automated web testing tool maker]
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