König Stephan

König Stephan

"König Stephan", opus 117, is a commemorative work composed by Ludwig van Beethoven in 1811. It includes an overture in E flat Major and nine vocal parts. Only the overture is still played today, and that rarely. The title refers to King Stephen I, founder of the kingdom of Hungary in the year 1000.

In 1808 Emperor Francis II of Austria commissioned the construction of a large theatre in Budapest, to alleviate the nationalist feelings incipient in Hungary and to celebrate the loyalty of Hungary to the Austrian monarchy. At the time of the inauguration of this theatre in 1811, Beethoven was commissioned to put to music two commemorative texts written by August von Kotzebue: "King Étienne" and "Ruins of Athens". These overtures are among the least played orchestral works of the composer.


  1. Overture (Andante con moto - Presto, E-flat major)
  2. Male chorus: "Ruhend von seinen Thaten" (Andante maestoso e con moto, C major)
  3. Male chorus: "Auf dunkelm in finstern Hainen Wandelten" (Allegro con brio - C minor)
  4. Victory march (Feurig und stolz - G major)
  5. Female chorus: "Wo die Unschuld Blumen streute" (Andante con moto all'Ongarese - A major)
  6. Melodrama (Stéphan): "Du hast dein Vaterland"
  7. Chorus: "Eine neue strahlende Sonne" (Vivace - F major)
  8. Melodrama (Stéphan): "Ihr edlen Ungarn!" (Maestoso con moto - D major)
    • a. Religious March (Moderato - B-flat major)
    • b. Melodrama with chorus: "Heil unserm Konige!" (Allegro vivace e con brio - B-flat major)
  9. Final chorus: "Heil! Heil unserm Enkeln" (Presto - D major)


*Lecompte Michel, "Guide illustré de la musique symphonique de Beethoven", Fayard, 1995, 335p. ISBN 2-21303091X
* [http://infopuq.uquebec.ca/~uss1010/catal/beethoven/beelvcat1.html Catalogue Beethoven (Opus)]

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