Logitech G7

Logitech G7

The Logitech G7 is a cordless laser mouse produced by Logitech targeted at the gamer market.

The G7 features a body almost identical to the G5. However, where the G5 features a slot holding weights, allowing the user to change the 'feel' and drag of the mouse, the G7 has a slot for a Li-ion battery.

The G7 comes packaged with two batteries and a USB charger. This allows batteries to be swapped out when power runs out, ensuring that little to no interruption occurs to gaming.

Although the G7 originally came in a green colour, a black edition has since been released, and in the UK, a limited black edition with a carrying case.


*2.4GHz cordless technology
*2000 DPI laser engine
*6.4Megapixels/second image processing
*20G max acceleration
*1.15-1.65 metres/sec max speed
*16Bit/Axis USB mode
*500 reports/sec
*Intelligent sleep mode
*Coefficient of friction:0.09
*Button life of 8 million clicks
*Polytetrafluoroethylene ultra smooth gliding gaming feet with 250km life


ee also

* Cordless mouse
* Laser mouse
* Logitech 'G' series
* Logitech
* Logitech G5

External links

* [http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/products/details/US/EN,CRID=2135,CONTENTID=10716 G7 on Logitech's website]
* [http://www.cooltechzone.com/Special_Reports/Special_Reports/CES_2006_Coverage%3A_Logitech_G7_Gets_a_Color_Change_200601192149/ Release of the black G7] on CoolTechZone
* [http://www.ebuyer.com/UK/product/107786/ Release of the Limited Edition UK G7 with case] on Ebuyer

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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