- SC2000
Infobox block cipher
name = SC2000
designers =Fujitsu
publish date = 2000
certification =CRYPTREC
key size = 128, 192, or 256 bits
block size = 128 bits
structure = combination SPN and Feistel network
rounds = 6.5 or 7.5
cryptanalysis = Differential and linear attacks exist against SC2000 reduced to 4.5 roundsIn
cryptography , SC2000 is ablock cipher invented by a research group atFujitsu Labs. It was submitted to theNESSIE project, but was not selected. SC2000 is one of the cryptographic techniques recommended for Japanese government use byCRYPTREC .The algorithm uses a key size of 128, 192, or 256 bits. It operates on blocks of 128 bits using 6.5 or 7.5 rounds of encryption. Each round consists of S-box lookups, key additions, and an unkeyed two-round Feistel network. There are 3 S-boxes: a 4×4-bit one used at the beginning of each round, and a 5×5-bit one and 6×6-bit one used in the Feistel network.
No analysis of the full SC2000 has been announced, but a reduced-round variant of 4.5 rounds is susceptible to both differential and
linear cryptanalysis .References
* cite paper
author =Lars Knudsen , Håvard Raddum
title = A first report on Whirlpool, NUSH, SC2000, Noekeon, Two-Track-MAC and RC6
date =March 7 2001
url = https://www.cosic.esat.kuleuven.be/nessie/reports/phase1/uibwp3-007b.pdf
format =PDF
accessdate = 2007-02-08
* cite conference
author = Hitoshi Yanami, Takeshi Shimoyama,Orr Dunkelman
title = Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis of a Reduced-Round SC2000
booktitle = Proceedings of Second Open NESSIE Workshop
date = 2000
url = http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/yanami00differential.html
format = PDF/PostScript
accessdate = 2007-02-08
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