- An Tóstal
An Tóstal (sometimes, Tostal) was the name for a series of festivals held in
Ireland in the 20th Century. Inaugurated in 1953 as a celebration of Irish life, it continued on into the early 1960s when it eventually died out.The original purpose of the festival was a celebration of Irish culture, with an emphasis upon drawing tourists into the country during the
Easter off-season. It was marked by a series of regional parades, arts and sporting events. Many towns began a clean-up plan, thus starting off theNational Tidy Town Awards , which is running still in Ireland. In 1953, a set of commemorative stamps were issued by the Irish Post Office.Chess Competitions were held as part of An Tóstal by the
Irish Chess Union from 1954 to 1957. [An Tostal - International Chess Tournament Dublin 1956, Ficheall Publications ]In recent times, an effort has been made to revive the Tóstal and some Irish towns, notably
Drumshanbo , are now celebrating the Tóstal again.At the
University of Notre Dame , the festival celebrates the last full week of classes of the academic year. The events often include competitions, sporting events, concerts and other various performances.External links
* [http://www.antostalfestival.ie/ An Tostal Festival - Drumshanbo]
* [http://www.workersliberty.org/node/3029 Article re. Tostal 1953 - workersliberty.org]
* [http://historical-debates.oireachtas.ie/D/0139/D.0139.195306160034.html Oireachtas debate from 1953 re. meaning of 'Tóstal']Notes
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.