- George Ştefănescu
His works are in private collections in
Australia ,Belgium ,Brazil ,Germany ,France ,Greece ,Hungary ,Italy ,Israel ,Japan ,Canada ,Cuba ,Lebanon ,Mexico ,Austria ,Romania ,Singapore ,Spain ,Sweden ,Switzerland , and the U.S..Radu Carneci wrote of him in 1984:
George Ştefănescu is a great
colorist who dares bring together intense colours, as though recalling the fauvistes' age. He does it with a secret harmony descended from both the knowledge of the graphics' progress and from the inheritance creatively used, ofpainting on glass and other folk Romanian arts.Thus, the painter has reached a synthesis of the artistic work, with the colour, though important as it is, left in the second plane, meant to support and illustrate the idea.
In this case, the colour plays the same part as with flowers – luring us so that we may better feel their essences, their fragrance." [Radu Carneci : " [http://www.georgestefanescu.ro/catalog.php?pag=5&id=18 Exhibition in Willebroek Belgium] ", Exhibition catalogue. 1984.]
Early life
Ştefănescu was born in 1914 in the commune of Plăineşti (now
Dumbrăveni ), between the cities ofFocşani andRâmnicu Sărat . His father Gheorghe was descended from a Macedonian family from Bitola, Macedonia. His mother, Sanda, born Căţănaru, was originally from the commune of Crucea de Jos,Vrancea County . From 1926 to 1933 he attended the secondary school in Râmnicu Sărat. His art teacher recommended him to the church painter Constantinescu and he became the latter's apprentice after school. In 1933, after receiving his baccalaureate, he moved toBucharest . He took lessons with the painterIon Theodorescu-Sion , a noted personality in the Romanian art world, for the entrance examination of the Academy of Creative Arts. From 1933 to 1936 he studied at the Academy of Creative Arts in Bucharest in the class of the painterNicolae Dărăscu .In 1936, he had his first solo exhibition in a Bucharest art gallery, and also took a study trip to
Vrancea andBalcic . In 1937 he attended artillery officer's school, had an exhibition inCraiova with the writerIon Ionescu ; the latter presented hisnovel "Oameni cu buche" ("Men with books" / "Literate men"). That year, he also began to sketch designs for women's clothing and fashion accessories for a Bucharest fashion house. He worked for the construction company SONACO, became a member of Sindicatul Artistilor din România (the Union of Romanian Artists, which included painters, sculptors and graphic artists) and because a student at the well-known private art seminar "Zapan". His professors there were well-known painters such asLucian Grigorescu ,Platon Cazanovici andMihail Gheorghita .In 1938, together with the
fresco painter Alexandru Mazilescu (now, in 2006, living in the United States) he worked paintingmural s. InBukovina , he had the opportunity to observe the well-known wall paintings of the painted monasteries. From 1939 to 1945 he served in the Romanian military duringWorld War II , with a corps that advanced as far asCrimea . During the Axis retreat, his horse stepped on a mine, which exploded, killing the horse, and leaving him with a serious head wound that, for over a decade, left him unable to distinguish colors, which mean that he could not paint and had to seek other work. In 1945 he participated in seminars in theatre directing andset design at ARLUS, led by ProfessorIon Sava .In 1946–1947 he was employed at the film
production company Filmul Popular, who had a laboratory in Bucharest on Strada Scaune. He worked with some Hungarian specialists to modernize this film laboratory, eventually becoming head of the laboratory. As a result, he was assigned to modernize a film laboratory inMogoşoaia , owned by the National Tourism Office (Oficiul National de Turism, ONT). The Mogoşoaia laboratory had been wrecked in the bombardament toward the end of the War. This time, he had to do the job without professional Hungarian help. During his time at the ONT laboratory (1948–1951), he also founded his own advertising studio for thefilm industry .In 1951–1955, Ştefănescu worked for the state ministry of electrical power, as director of the electro chain stores of the country. In 1956, though, he started his own design studio in Bucharest. Around 1957, his health stabilized, and under the encouragement of the painter
Nicolae Darascu , his former professor and later friend, he began again to paint. In summer 1957, he resumed paintinglandscape s near Bucharest (Cernica ,Pasărea ,Băneasa ,Mogoşoaia ).Municipal Theater Bucharest
and surrounding areas in western Romania, where he painted mostly landscapes and portraits of farmer.
In 1960 he was commissioned to execute a portrait of Tony Bulandra, husband of Lucia Sturdza Bulandra and probably Romania's best known actor at the time, for the museum of the
National Theater Bucharest . He also did set design and costumes for the play "Mamouret" byJean Sermet and toured with the Bulandra company toBudapest and elsewhere inHungary , after which he stayed on another month in Budapest to settle tour matters. He took the opportunity to paint oil and watercolor paintings, to draw, and to befriend Hungarian painters. After his return to Bucharest, these works were exhibited in Bucharestin the hall of the Sala Izvor, the main hall of the Bulandra Theatre.Ştefănescu's studio
In 1961, Ştefănescu did set design and costumes for Mihail Beniuc's play "Întoarcerea" ("The Return"). The UAP granted him his own studio in the
Gheorghe Tattarescu Memorial Museum, and he had another solo exhibition at the Sala Izvor. The following year, he did stage design and costumes for A. I. Ştefănescu's (no relation) inquisitorial courtroom drama "Camera fierbinte" ("The hot room" or "The hot chamber") and had another solo exhibition in the theater, exhibiting stage settings, blueprints of costumes, oil paintings, watercolors and drawings.Misu Weinberg, one of Romania's most influential art collectors visited Ştefănescu's studio, beginning a fruitful relationship that lasted until Weinberg's death. Weinberg displayed Ştefănescu's works in the company of works by such Romanian masters as
Theodor Pallady ,Gheorghe Petrascu , Iser and others, raising Ştefănescu's visibility among collectors, many of whom Weinberg accompanied to Ştefănescu's studio.In 1963, Ştefănescu continued his set design and costume work with "Război şi pace" ("
War and Peace ") byAlfred Neumann , Erwin Piseator, and Guntram Prüfer, based on the Tolstoy novel. This production was the first in Romania to combine traditional stage settings with the photographic slide projection. The same year, he also designed sets for the "Portretul" ("The Portrait") byAlexandru Voitin , and took a study trip to theBlack Sea coast nearTuzla . In 1964, he participated in the biennial stage design salon in Bucharest and executed stage setting blueprints for the play "Fii cuminte Cristofor" ("Behave, Christopher") by Aurel Baranga.In 1965, he participated in the annual salon of the creative arts sponsored by the City of Bucharest and had a solo exhibition at the
Gheorghe Tattarescu Museum. The exhibition catalogue had a foreword byNestor Ignat and text by Misu Weinberg. That year, he also made a study visit toSighişoara , followed by further travel the next year to theBlack Sea coast ofBulgaria , where he painted many watercolors and to theDanube Delta and to the Romanian Black Sea coast.In 1967, he returned to stage and costume design, for the play "Poetul şi revoluţia" ("The Poet and the Revolution") about
Vladimir Mayakovsky , script by Valeriu Moisescu and Dinu Negreanu. He also did stage design for "Luceafărul" ("The Morning Star") byBarbu Ştefănescu Delavrancea , and staged it again as an open airsound and light show at the Mogoşoaia Palace. In May 1967, he participated in the spring salon of the City of Bucharest inHerăstrău Park . Later that year he paid working visits to the Danube Delta and to Sibiu.In May 1968, Ştefănescu had a solo exhibition of oil and watercolour paintings in the exhibition room of the Gheorghe Tattarescu Museum, with the texts of the exhibition catalogue written by
Florin Colonaş . Around this time, Ştefănescu's paintings first show the egg-shaped elements that soon became a significant characteristic of his painting. His paintings drew the attention of the "pope" among the Romanian art critics, ProfessorPetru Comarnescu . He also continued his stage design and costumes, for the play "Sfârşitul pământului" ("The End of the World") byVictor Eftimiu .He participated in the 1969 City of Bucharest salon of the creative arts, and designed stage costumes for the Bulandra Theatre's production of "Ghosts" by
Henrik Ibsen . [Ibsen : " [http://www.ibsen.net/index.gan?id=67314 Das Theaterstück "Gespenster", Teatrul Lucia Sturdza Bulandra] ".] . He participated in the December 1969 – February 1970 exhibition "Art roumain contemporain" in the gallery Baccache inBeirut ,Lebanon and paid a study visit toBraşov .The 1970s
In 1970, Ştefănescu had a solo exhibition at Simeza Gallery in Bucharest. He continued his theatre work, designing costumes for the Georges Feydeau
farce "Puricele în ureche" ("Une puce à l'oreille", "A Flea in her Ear"); stage design was byLiviu Ciulei . He did stage design for the play "Contrapuncte" ("Counterpoints") by Paul Everac and costume design for the film "Pădurea spânzuraţilor" ("The Forest of the Hanged") directed by Liviu Ciulei. He also paid a study visit toSibiu andSighisoara . His work was included in a touring exhibition, "Romanian Art", inLüdenscheid , Germany,Orly , France,Vienna , and the Watts Art Gallery inNew York City .In 1971, he again participated in the salon of the creative arts, at the
Romanian Atheneum in Bucharest, and in 1972 as the creative arts salon in the Dalles Gallery, Bucharest. In the latter year, he did stage design and costumes for the play "Patru oameni fără nume" ("Four Nameless Men") byRadu Bădilă , and costumes for the play "Povestiri din pădurea vieneză" ("Tales from the Vienna Wood ") byÖdön von Horvath directed by Nicolae Alexandru Toscani. [Ödön von Horvath : " [http://www.cimec.ro/SCRIPTS/TeatreNou/detaliu_premiera.asp?sq=410201117005&sq1=6&sq2=Teatrul%20'Lucia%20Sturdza%20Bulandra'%20-%20Bucuresti&sq3=410201 Das Theaterstück "Geschichten aus dem Wiener Wald"] ".]In 1973, he had another solo exhibition at the Simeza Gallery; Traian Stoica wrote the foreword for the exhibition catalogue. That year, he was awarded the Ordinul "
Meritul Cultural ", the order of cultural merit. In 1974, he did stage design for the play "Între noi nu a fost decât tăcerea" – ("Between Us There Has Been Only Silence") by Lia Crişan; this was the last of his theater activities; after this time, he devoted himself entirely to painting; his studio in this period became a meeting place for artists, critics and collectors. He participated again that year in the salon for the creative arts at the Gallery Dalles, and the next year in in the exhibition "12 Rumänische Maler" ("12 Romanian Painters") inHamburg , and made two study journeys, one toCzechoslovakia and the other toMedias andBazna .In 1976, his solo exhibition in Bucharest's Gallery Căminul Artei had a catalogue featuring critical texts by university professor of arts Dan Grigorescu and artist and critic Virgil Mocanu. He paid a study visit to
Breaza , a health resort preferred by painters. The next few years he focused on painting, with an eye toward a large exhibition; he paid study visits toBazna ,Buziaş andCovasna .In 1979, he participated again in the City of Bucharest salon for the creative arts at Gallery Dalles, after which he had a solo exhibition at the Art Gallery of the City of Bucharest ("Galeriile de Artă ale Municipiului Bucureşti"). The foreword to the exhibition catalogue was, again, but Dan Grigorescu, who also delivered a speech to open the exhibition. Ştefănescu also participated in the Contemporary East European Paintings exhibition inTokyo ,Japan . [Contemporary East European Paintings : " [http://www.georgestefanescu.ro/catalog.php?id=15 Ausstellungskatalog] ".]The 1980s
In 1980, Ştefănescu participated once again in the City of Bucharest salon for the creative arts at the Dalles Gallery, and paid a study visit to
Covasna . In the next two years, he traveled again to Covasna, as well as toAzuga and toBistriţa-Năsăud County . In 1983, he had a solo exhibition in the Art Gallery of the City of Bucharest ("Galeriile de Artă ale Municipiului Bucureşti"). Among those who contributed to the exhibition catalogue were museum expertGheorghe Cosma and poet and journalistRadu Carneci .Around this time, Ştefănescu's work began to be seen a bit more in the West, and he began to garner more press attention. In 1984, he had solo exhibitions in
Willebroek ,Belgium andWerdohl ,West Germany . [Ausstellungen in Belgien und Deutschland: " [http://www.georgestefanescu.ro/catalog.php?id=18 Ausstellungskatalog] ".] . In 1985, this was followed by a solo exhibition at the Hagenring Gallery inHagen , West Germany . Two years later, in 1987, the Meridiane publishing house published a monograph about Ştefănescu in the series "Romanian Painters." Texts were written by the art historianAdriana Bobu (living inParis ). A report by the art expert Constanţa Iliescu concerning his painting "The dancers" was published in the trade press in the series of articles "Comori de Artă ale Capitalei" ("Art treasures of the Capital"). In a Chinese-language magazine on Romania, several pages were dedicated to his painting. In 1988 in the trade magazine "ARTA", the art critic Theodor Redlow dedicated several pages to Ştefănescu including colour pictures of his work. [ Theodor Redlow : [http://www.georgestefanescu.ro/articol.php?pag=11&id=14 "Profil George Stefanescu"] – Revista "Arta" Anul XXXV Nr.3/1988 - p.10.]Life in Germany
Stefanescu moved to Germany in 1989. That year he had exhibitions in
Harsewinkel andEnnepetal , with an opening speech by the art critic Hermann Hirschberg. The following year, he had several exhibitions inBremen , one at the Gallery Helmar H. Veltzke with an introduction by journalist and art historian Hans Peter Labonte, one at the "Galeria" Art Gallery, and an exhibition "George Ştefănescu – Neue Wege – Neue Bilder" ("New paths, new pictures") in the Queens Hotel in Bremen, with texts by Hans Peter Labonte. His work was also covered that year in Romanian writer and art lover Dorina Munteanu's book "Mărturisiri şi reflecţii ale unui colecţionar de arta" ("Confessions and reflections of an art collector"). Finally, in December 1990, the exhibition "Vater und Sohn im Spiegel der Kunst" ("Father and Son in the Mirror of Art") inLüdinghausen was introduced by Dr. Jenny Sarrazin, the official responsible for cultural affairs in the district ofCoesfeld .In 1991, he participated in the exhibition "9 Künstler aus Lüdinghausen" ("9 artists from Lüdinghausen") in the Lüdinghausen castle
Burg Vischering ; the foreword to the exhibition catalogue was written by Dr. Falco Herleman. [Dr.Falco Herleman : " [http://www.georgestefanescu.ro/catalog.php?id=21 Ausstellung in der Burg Vischering] ". In: "Ausstellungskatalog." 1991.] 1992Dülmen : Exhibition "Neue Wege – Neue Bilder".Bocholt andAhaus exhibition with the Hamalandkreis. 1994 - 1995 Solo exhibition : private collection : Skillykorn /Singapore . One of his pictures was included in Romanian school books together with pictures of other Romanian art classics.1996 – 1997 Solo exhibition in the Gallery Noran / Lüdinghausen /
Münster (Westfalen) and the Gallery Wöhrle /Hamm . 1998 Solo exhibitions : Haus Hünenburg / Bremen, Gallery Käthner Böke /Leer and Gallery NORAN / Lüdinghausen. 1999 Solo exhibition Sparkasse Lüdinghausen.2003 Solo exhibition : "Der Grosse Vogel" in the Gallery Klostermühle Heiligeberg and Volksbank
Achim . [Der Grosse Vogel : " [http://www.klostermuehle-heiligenberg.de/ausstellungen/archiv/031213-stefanescu/1.html Ausstellung in der Galerie Klostermühle Heiligeberg] ".] 2004 Solo exhibition „Licht und Farbe“ [Licht und Farbe : " [http://www.luedinghausen.de/kaktus/stefanescu.htm Ausstellung in Lüdinghausen] ".] .Selected works
*1936 - "Natura moartă cu muscată ", Germany, Private collection
*1936 - "Peisaj la Balcic", Romania, Private collection [http://www.georgestefanescu.ro/poza.php?id=202]
*1951 - "Natură moartă -Still life ", Romania, Private collection [http://www.georgestefanescu.ro/poza.php?id=204]
*1967 - "Autoportret-Self portrait ", Romania, Private collection [http://www.georgestefanescu.ro/poza.php?id=284]
*1967 - "Sighisoara - Schäßburg", Romania, Private collection [http://www.georgestefanescu.ro/poza.php?id=305]
*1968 - "La scăldat", Romania, Private collection [http://www.georgestefanescu.ro/poza.php?id=500]
*1975 - "Crucifixion ", Romania, Private collection [http://www.georgestefanescu.ro/poza.php?id=372]
*1980 - "Harlekin", Romania, Private collection [http://www.georgestefanescu.ro/poza.php?id=403]
*1982 - "Alegorie", Germany, Private collection [http://www.georgestefanescu.ro/poza.php?id=416]
*1993 - "Gedankensturm", Germany, Private collection [http://www.georgestefanescu.ro/poza.php?id=459]
*1999 - "Das Gespräch", Germany, Private collection [http://www.georgestefanescu.ro/poza.php?id=496]
*2002 - "Frau in blau", Germany, Private collection [http://www.georgestefanescu.ro/poza.php?id=444]Notes
* Adriana Bobu: "George Ştefănescu" - Kunstmonographie in der Reihe "Rumänische Maler", Verlag Meridiane, Bucharest 1987. [http://www.georgestefanescu.ro/carte.php?id=1]
* Künstausstellung in der Burg Vischering, 1991. [http://www.georgestefanescu.ro/catalog.php?id=21]
* Künstlerlexikon für Münster und Umgebung, 1996. [http://www.georgestefanescu.ro/monografie.php?id=7]External links
* [http://www.georgestefanescu.ro Official site]
* [http://www.compendium.ro/pers_detalii.php?id_pers=2282 Biography]
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