

"Amae" (甘え) is a Japanese word coined from the verb "amaeru" by Takeo Doi to serve as a noun, which he then used as a keyword to unlock, analytically, the behavior of a person attempting to induce an authority figure, such as a parent, spouse, teacher or boss, to take care of him. The verb itself is rarely used of oneself, but rather is applied descriptively to the behaviour of other people. The person who is carrying out "amae" may beg or plead, or alternatively act selfishly while secure in the knowledge that the caregiver will forgive and indulge. The behavior of children towards their parents is perhaps the most common example of "amae", but Doi argued that child-rearing practices in the Western world seek to stop this kind of dependence in children, whereas in Japan it persists into adulthood in all kinds of social relationship. [cite journal
journal = Electronic Journal of Sociology
date = 2000
url =
title = Is "amae" the Key to Understanding Japanese Culture?
author = Herman W Smith & Takako Nomi

In literary context

Doi, a Japanese psychoanalyst, developed this idea to explain and describe many kinds of Japanese behaviour. However, in his book "The Anatomy of Dependence," first published in 1971, Doi states that "amae" is not just a Japanese phenomenon, but the Japanese are the only people who have an extensive vocabulary for describing it. The reason for this is that "amae" is a major factor in Japanese interaction and customs.cite book | last = Doi | first = Takeo | title = The Anatomy of Dependence: The Key Analysis of Japanese Behavior | year = 1981 | edition = 2nd | publisher = Kodansha International | location = Tokyo | others = English trans. John Bester ]

Doi explains that "amae" is the noun form of "amaeru," an intransitive verb which he defines as "to depend and presume upon another's benevolence." It indicates, for Doi, "helplessness and the desire to be loved." "Amaeru" can also be defined as "to wish to be loved," and denotes "dependency needs." Various bilingual dictionaries define "amae" as "to lean on a person's good will," "to act lovingly towards (as a much fondled child towards its parents),"fact|date=August 2008 "to take advantage of," "to behave like a spoiled child," "to trespass on," "to behave in a caressing manner towards a man," "to speak in a coquettish tone," "to encroach on (one's kindness, good nature, etc.)," and so on. "Amae" is, in essence, a request for indulgence of one's perceived needs.

Doi says,:"The psychological prototype of 'amae' lies in the psychology of the infant in its relationship to its mother; not a newborn infant, but an infant who has already realised that its mother exists independently of itself ... [A] s its mind develops it gradually realises that itself and its mother are independent existences, and comes to feel the mother as something indispensable to itself, it is the craving for close contact thus developed that constitutes, one might say, amae."According to Doi and others, in Japan the kind of relationship based on this prototype provides a model of human relationships in general, especially (though not exclusively) when one person is senior to another. As another writer puts it::"He may be your father or your older brother or sister ... But he may just as well be your section head at the office, the leader of your local political faction, or simply a fellow struggler down life's byways who happened to be one or two years ahead of you at school or the university. The amae syndrome is pervasive in Japanese life."cite book | last = Gibney | first = Frank | title = Japan: The Fragile Superpower | year = 1975 | publisher = Norton | id = ISBN 0-393-05530-2 ]

"Amae" may also be used to describe the behavior of a husband who comes home drunk and depends on his wife to get him ready for bed. In Japan, amae does have a connotation of immaturity, but it is also recognized as a key ingredient in loving relationships, perhaps more so than the notions of romance so common in the West.

Critical Reception

For a lengthy critique of Doi's work, which dismisses Doi's theory as merely another variety of nihonjinron, see Peter Dale pp.116-175. [Peter Dale, "The Myth of Japanese Uniqueness", 1986 Oxford London. Nissan Institute, Croom ]

Doi's work has been hailed as a distinctive contribution to psychoanalysis by the American psychiatrist Frank Johnson, who has devoted a full book-length study to Doi, and to his critics. [ Frank A.Johnson,"Dependency and Japanese socialization: psychoanalytic and anthropological investigations into amae",1993New York, New York University Press]

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