- The Fader
"The FADER", or "FADER", is an
United States -basedmusic /culture /fashion magazine that covership-hop ,reggae ,independent rock , pop anddance music from around the world.Founded by Rob Stone and Jon Cohen in 1998, The FADER is a freestanding, independent New York City-based magazine.
It was also the first publication in history to be released on
iTunes . [http://publications.mediapost.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=Articles.showArticleHomePage&art_aid=44274]In September 2006, The FADER launched a Japanese edition, FADER Japan. [http://hypebot.typepad.com/hypebot/2006/09/fader_to_publis.html] Also in 2006, FADER was the recipient of one of the publishing industry’s highest honors, the
FOLIO magazine Gold Eddie award for "Best Consumer Entertainment Magazine". [http://foliomag.com/page.asp?prmID=276]External links
* [http://www.thefader.com/ The Fader website]
* [http://faderjapan.blogspot.com/ FADER Japan website]
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