Miss Universe Romania — is the national pageant that selects a candidate to participate at the Miss Universe Pageant representing Romania. After an 11 year absence, the pageant was re started in Romania in 2009 by entrepreneur Mike Costache and TV personality, Valentina … Wikipedia
Frag eXecutors — FX Логотип организации … Википедия
Optus — SingTel Optus Pty Limited Type Subsidiary of SingTel Industry Telecommunications Founded 1981 as AUSSAT … Wikipedia
simple — (Del bajo lat. simplus.) ► adjetivo 1 Que es sencillo o poco complicado: ■ es una máquina moderna pero muy simple. 2 Que está formado por uno o pocos componentes, comparado con algo del mismo género formado por varios: ■ un geranio de flor simple … Enciclopedia Universal
απλός — ή, ό (AM ἁπλοῡς, ῆ, οῡν, Α κ. ἀπλόος η, ον)·) 1. μονός 2. ανεπιτήδευτος, απέριττος 3. (για πρόσωπα) ειλικρινής, άδολος, ευθύς νεοελλ. εύκολος, ευκολονόητος αρχ. 1. απόλυτος, πλήρης, απεριόριστος 2. καθαρός, αμιγής 3. ανεύθυνος, αναρμόδιος 4.… … Dictionary of Greek
Simple — Sim ple, a. [Compar. {Simpler}; superl. {Simplest}.] [F., fr. L. simplus, or simplex, gen. simplicis. The first part of the Latin words is probably akin to E. same, and the sense, one, one and the same; cf. L. semel once, singuli one to each,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Simple contract — Simple Sim ple, a. [Compar. {Simpler}; superl. {Simplest}.] [F., fr. L. simplus, or simplex, gen. simplicis. The first part of the Latin words is probably akin to E. same, and the sense, one, one and the same; cf. L. semel once, singuli one to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Simple equation — Simple Sim ple, a. [Compar. {Simpler}; superl. {Simplest}.] [F., fr. L. simplus, or simplex, gen. simplicis. The first part of the Latin words is probably akin to E. same, and the sense, one, one and the same; cf. L. semel once, singuli one to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Simple eye — Simple Sim ple, a. [Compar. {Simpler}; superl. {Simplest}.] [F., fr. L. simplus, or simplex, gen. simplicis. The first part of the Latin words is probably akin to E. same, and the sense, one, one and the same; cf. L. semel once, singuli one to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Simple interest — Simple Sim ple, a. [Compar. {Simpler}; superl. {Simplest}.] [F., fr. L. simplus, or simplex, gen. simplicis. The first part of the Latin words is probably akin to E. same, and the sense, one, one and the same; cf. L. semel once, singuli one to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English