- Beach Blanket Babylon
's North Beach for over 34 years.
To most, the show is known primarily for its gigantic hats, some in excess of convert|10|ft|m wide by convert|10|ft|m tall. The principal plot revolves around
Snow White searching the world for "a Prince Charming" and features multiple spoofs ofpopular culture . These spoofs are continually updated by adding new songs and characters to the show to keep it popular and up with the times.The show's popularity forced it to move to a larger venue at the 400-seat
Club Fugazi , where it eventually settled permanently, and has become a natural destination for both tourists and locals in San Francisco. Two tours have been produced, inLondon and Las Vegas, in celebration of Beach Blanket's 20th and 25th anniversaries, and a smaller touring cast caters primarily to corporate events and parties around the world. The show was created by Steve Silver (1944-1995) and continues under the direction of his wife, Jo Schuman Silver.External links
* [http://www.beachblanketbabylon.com/ Official Website]
* [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=990CE5DC1339F937A25755C0A963958260 "New York Times" Obituary for Steve Silver]
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