- Branicki Palace, Białystok
caption=View of the "corps de logis " from the "cour d'honneur ".
name=Branicki Palace
architect=Tielman van Gameren
style=Baroque|Branicki Palace ( _pl. Pałac Branickich) in
Białystok , is, together with its park and other buildings, one of the most precious monuments of Polish national culture.History
Branicki Palace in
Białystok , the "Versailles ofPodlachia ," was built for CountJan Klemens Branicki , Great CrownHetman and patron of art and science, raised in the French milieu of the Polish aristocracy, who transformed a previous house (by Tielman van Gameren)en icon cite web |author = Magdalena Grassmann |url = http://palac.amb.edu.pl/?q=node/4 |title = Podlaski Wersal Branickich |work = palac.amb |publisher = |pages = |page = |date = |accessdate = 2008-06-28] into the suitably magnificent residence of a great Polish noble, a rival to Wilanow, making a start in1726 . [pl icon cite web |author = |url = http://www.wrotapodlasia.pl/pl/adm/powiaty_gminy/mbialystok/ |title = Miasto Białystok |work = wrotapodlasia.pl |publisher = |pages = |page = |date = |accessdate = 2008-06-28] He also laid out the central part of the town of Bialystok, not a large place in the 18th century, with its triangular market.With the first Partition of Poland it went to the Prussian Kingdom and, after 1807, to Russia. In the summer of 1920, briefly, the palace was the headquarters of the
Provisional Polish Revolutionary Committee . Branicki Palace was destroyed by the Nazis.pl icon cite web |author = Magdalena Grassmann |url = http://palac.amb.edu.pl/?q=node/6 |title = Odbudowa pałacu |work = palac.amb |publisher = |pages = |page = |date = |accessdate = 2008-06-28] The Poles rebuilt it afterWorld War II as a matter of national pride. The Medical University is housed in the Palace.The palace grounds
A straight avenue centered on the palace passes across the river on a three-arched bridge across the river, which is confined with deep stone embankment walling, to the large enclosed paved forecourt. The central block has two storeys upon a high arcaded basement story, with a pedimented central block displaying Branicki's coat-of-arms and end pavilions that have squared domes in two tiers ("illustration, right"). The roofline is an Italianate balustrade that masks a low attic story, and the heroic sculptural group of Atlas crowning all.
Surrounding the Palace are the grounds. The garden front has a terrace raised on columns, which forms a podium for viewing the
parterre in the French taste with a main central allée and Frenchsphinx es, and a later "English garden," in the naturalistic taste associated with the English park, surrounding the grounds. The central axis continues to a guest pavilion. Other outbuildings include the Arsenal (1755 ),Orangery and Italian and Tuscan Pavilions.Branicki's summer residence was at
Choroszcz .References
External links
* [http://www.visitbialystok.com VisitBiałystok.com]
* [http://www.ogrodbranickich.bialystok.pl/index.php5?page=list Ogrody Branickich]
* [http://palac.amb.edu.pl/?q=node/14 VIRTUAL TOUR]
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