Lola Utva

Lola Utva

Infobox Company
company_name = Utva
Type_Private = Aerospace Defense manufacturer
foundation = 1937 as "Utva" | location = Pančevo, Serbia

Utva (English "wild duck") is an aircraft factory (Serbian "fabrika aviona") located in Pančevo, near Belgrade, Serbia (ex-Yugoslavia), first founded in 1937 in Zemun, known of its light sporting and training aircraft. The whole number of produced aircraft is over 900. Previously, the company was named "Utva", but in 1996 factory immersed with a "Lola" factory from Železnik. In 2005 companiy owenership was re-egzamined and the company changed its name to Utva Aircraft Industry and it is today known.

During the NATO air strikes against Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999 the factory was severely damaged.

Current projects

Utva G-4M Super Galeb

The G-4M Super Galeb is currently in testing phase at the Batajnica Air Force base in the Serbian Air Force. It is essentially a newer, heavily armed, advanced version of the G-4 Super Galeb. If all goes well, the G-4M might go in to production with the help of a foreign company in the near future, therefore bringing the whole legacy of the G-4 Super Galeb back into the present-day fighter jet market. The G-4M was at first, partially designed by Lola Utva.

Lasta 95

New primary training plane.Serbian Air Force ordered 16 planes,Iraq ordered 20 planes so far.

Utva 96

Currently, Utva is trying to replace the Utva 75, which is becoming an excessively aged model. The [ Utva 96] will be the 75's successor. Currently the 96 is being developed as a prototype.

Types of produced planes

* 212
* 213 'Vihor' ('maelstrom')
* Aero 3
* Trojka
* 56
* 60
** 60-AT1
** 60-AT2
** 60-AG (agricultural versions)
** 60-AM (air ambulance)
** 60H (float plane)
** 60 V-51
* 65
** 65 'Privrednik' ('Agriculturist')
** 65 'Privrednik'-IO
** 65 'SuperPrivrednik'-350
* 66
** 66-AM (air ambulance)
** 66H
** 66V
** 66 Super STOL
* 75
** 75A21
** 75A41
** 75AG11
** 75 V-53
* Lasta
**Lasta 95 [ [] [] [] [] ]
* Utva 96
* Mini UAV Raven
* Medium UAV


External links

* [ Yugoslavia The Aviation Industry]

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