- 335 BC
By place
* Returning to
Macedon ia by way of Delphi (where thePythia n priestess acclaims him "invincible"), King Alexander III of Macedonia advances intoThrace in order to secure theDanube as the northern boundary of the Macedonian kingdom. After forcing theShipka Pass and crushing theTriballi , he crosses the Danube to disperse theGetae . Turning west, he then defeats and shatters a coalition ofIllyria ns who are invading Macedonia.
* A rumour that Alexander has been killed by the Illyrians leads the Thebans and Athenians to take up arms again. Alexander defeats the Greeks and razes Thebes. In Thebes, 6,000 people are killed and all survivors are sold into slavery.
* After conquering Thebes, Alexander demands the surrender of the mercenary commanders, Chares andCharidemus , among others. Chares escapes to theTroad while Charidemus is banished and flees to Persia.
* The admiration of Alexander for the Athenian orator and diplomat,Demades , leads the conqueror to treat Athens leniently despite its involvement in the rebellion. A special Athenian embassy led byPhocion , an opponent of the anti-Macedonian faction, is able to persuade Alexander to give up his demand for the exile of the leaders of the anti-Macedonian party, particularlyDemosthenes .
*Aristotle returns to Athens from Macedon and opens a peripatetic school in an old gymnasium called theLyceum . It contains a museum of natural history, zoological gardens and a library.Roman Republic
Marcus Valerius Corvus is electedconsul of theRoman Republic for the fourth time.
*Cales (modern Calvi), a city inCampania , is taken by the Romans and a Roman colony is established there.By topic
* The sculptor
Praxiteles ends his active career in Athens (approximate date; possibly later).Births
Hicetas of Syracuse, Greekmathematician andphilosopher (b. c.400 BC )
* Eubulus, Athenianstatesman (b. c.405 BC )
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