Fort Confidence, Northwest Territories

Fort Confidence, Northwest Territories

Fort Confidence, located on the eastern tip of the Dease Arm of Great Bear Lake, Northwest Territories, was a Hudson's Bay Company post built in 1837 by Peter Warren Dease and Thomas Simpson during exploration of the Great Bear Lake and Coppermine River area, serving as a quarters for two winters. The structure was a log building, and burned down a short time later. In 1848, the post was rebuilt and used by Sir John Richardson and Dr. John Rae as a base of operations during the search for famous explorer Sir John Franklin, who went missing along the Arctic Coast. These buildings were still standing in 1902, but had again been destroyed by fire by 1911 when George M. Douglas' expedition to the Coppermine River passed through the area. The remains of this fort consist of four stone and clay chimneys.

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