- Spiraea
:"For the European and west Asian herb, see
Meadowsweet ."
image_width = 240px
image_caption = "Spiraea"
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
ordo =Rosales
familia =Rosaceae
subfamilia =Spiraeoideae
genus = "Spiraea"
genus_authority = L.
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = About 80-100, see text"Spiraea" "(Meadowsweet)" is a genus of about 80-100 species of
shrub s in theRosaceae , subfamilySpiraeoideae . They are native to the temperateNorthern Hemisphere , with the greatest diversity in easternAsia ."Spiraea" species are used as food plants by the
larva e of someLepidoptera species includingBrown-tail , Emperor Moth,Grey Dagger , "Hypercompe indecisa" andSetaceous Hebrew Character .The genus was formerly treated as also containing the herbaceous species now segregated into the genera "
Filipendula " and "Aruncus "; recent genetic evidence has shown that "Filipendula" is only distantly related to "Spiraea", belonging in the subfamilyRosoideae .Uses and toxicity
"Spiraea" (also known as "Meadowsweet") is too woody to be used as an edible plant, but has a long history of medicinal use by Native Americans as an herbal tea. The entire plant contains
methyl salicylate and other salicylates, compounds with similar medicinal properties ofaspirin . Unlike other salicylate-bearing plants such aswillow orpoplar , meadowsweet's content of these analgesic compounds remain consistent from plant to plant. Unlike aspirin, meadowsweet is effective in treating stomach disorders in minute amounts. The salicylates in this plant are a highly effective analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and fever reducer, without the side affects attributed to aspirin. Compounds in this plant also contain bacteriostatic properties, and the tea of this plant was used by the Blackfeet Indians as an enema and vagina douche to treat infections of the bowels and vaginal area. [Edible and Medicinal Plants of the West, Gregory L. Tilford, ISBN 0-87842-359-1]In pure form,
methyl salicylate is toxic, especially when taken internally. The lowest published lethal dose is 101 mg/kg body weight in adult humans. [ [http://physchem.ox.ac.uk/MSDS/ME/methyl_salicylate.html Safety data for methyl salicylate] , Physical & Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory, Oxford University] It has proven fatal to small children in doses as small as 4 mL. [ [http://www.drugs.com/npp/wintergreen.html Wintergreen] at Drugs.com] A 17 year-old cross-country runner at Notre Dame Academy onStaten Island , died April 3, 2007, after her body absorbed high levels of methyl salicylate through excessive use of topical muscle-pain relief products. [cite news |title=Muscle-Pain Reliever Is Blamed For Staten Island Runner’s Death |url=http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/10/nyregion/10cream.html?_r=1&ref=nyregion&oref=slogin | publisher=New York Times |date=2007-06-10 |accessdate=2007-06-09] Methyl Salicylate is used as arubefacient in deep heatingliniment s, and in small amounts as aflavoring agent in chewing gums and other products at no more than 0.04%. [ [http://www.drugs.com/npp/wintergreen.html Wintergreen] at Drugs.com]elected species
Spiraea alba " (Narrow-leaved Meadowsweet)
*"Spiraea amoena"
*"Spiraea arcuata"
*"Spiraea baldschuanica"
*"Spiraea bella"
*"Spiraea betulifolia"
*"Spiraea blumei"
*"Spiraea calcicola"
*"Spiraea cana"
*"Spiraea canescens"
*"Spiraea cantoniensis"
*"Spiraea chamaedryfolia"
*"Spiraea crenata"
*"Spiraea decumbens"
*"Spiraea densiflora "
*"Spiraea douglasii " (Hardhack )
*"Spiraea gemmata"
*"Spiraea henryi"
*"Spiraea hypericifolia"
*"Spiraea japonica " (Japanese Spiraea)
*"Spiraea latifolia " (Broad-leaved meadowsweet)
*"Spiraea lobata "
*"Spiraea longigemmis"
*"Spiraea media"
*"Spiraea micrantha"
*"Spiraea miyabei"
*"Spiraea mollifolia"
*"Spiraea nervosa"
*"Spiraea nipponica"
*"Spiraea prunifolia " (Bridalwreath Spiraea )
*"Spiraea pubescens"
*"Spiraea rosthornii"
*"Spiraea salicifolia " (Bridewort Spiraea)
*"Spiraea sargentiana"
*"Spiraea thunbergii "
*"Spiraea tomentosa " (Steeplebush)
*"Spiraea trichocarpa"
*"Spiraea trilobata"
*"Spiraea veitchii"
*"Spiraea virginiana "
*"Spiraea wilsonii"
*"Spiraea yunnanensis"There are also numerous named hybrids, some occurring in the wild, others bred in
garden s; some are importantornamental plant s:
*"Spiraea × arguta" ("S. × multiflora" × "S. thunbergii")
*"Spiraea × billardii" ("S. douglasii" × "S. salicifolia")
*"Spiraea × blanda" ("S. nervosa" × "S. cantoniensis")
*"Spiraea × brachybotrys" ("S. canescens" × "S. douglasii")
*"Spiraea × bumalda" ("S. japonica" × "S. albiflora")
*"Spiraea × cinerea" ("S. hypericifolia" × "S. cana")
*"Spiraea × conspicua" ("S. japonica" × "S. latifolia")
*"Spiraea × fontenaysii" ("S. canescens" × "S. salicifolia")
*"Spiraea × foxii" ("S. japonica" × "S. betulifolia")
*"Spiraea × gieseleriana" ("S. cana" × "S. chamaedryfolia")
*"Spiraea × macrothyrsa" ("S. douglasii" × "S. latifolia")
*"Spiraea × multiflora" ("S. crenata" × "S. hypericifolia")
*"Spiraea × notha" ("S. betulifolia" × "S. latifolia")
*"Spiraea × nudiflora" ("S. chamaedryfolia" × "S. bella")
*"Spiraea × pikoviensis" ("S. crenata" × "S. media")
*"Spiraea × pyramidata" ("S. betulifolia" × "S. douglasii")
*"Spiraea × revirescens" ("S. amoena" × "S. japonica")
*"Spiraea × sanssouciana" ("S. japonica" × "S. douglasii")
*"Spiraea × schinabeckii" ("S. chamaedryfolia" × "S. trilobata")
*"Spiraea × semperflorens" ("S. japonica" × "S. salicifolia")
*"Spiraea × vanhouttei" ("S. trilobata" × "S. cantoniensis")
*"Spiraea × watsoniana" ("S. douglasii" × "S. densiflora")References
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