- Salmon River, Digby County, Nova Scotia
Salmon River is a small
Canadian rural community inDigby County , located on the southwest coast ofNova Scotia near the town of Yarmouth.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Salmon River is a small
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
List of communities in Digby County, Nova Scotia — List of communities in Digby County, Nova ScotiaCommunities are ordered by the highway upon which they are located. All routes start with the terminus located near the largest community.Trunk Routes*Trunk 1: Smiths Cove Weymouth North Weymouth St … Wikipedia
Salmon River — [ˈsæmən ˈɹɪvɚ] (engl. für „Lachsfluss“) heißen folgende Flüsse in Alaska (USA) Salmon River (Kobuk River) im Northwest Arctic Borough, im Kobuk Valley Nationalpark Salmon River (Kuskokwim Bay) im Bethel Census Area, mündet in die Kuskokwim Bay… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Salmon River, Nova Scotia — may refer to one of two places:*Salmon River, Colchester County, Nova Scotia *Salmon River, Digby County, Nova Scotia … Wikipedia
Salmon River — The Salmon River is the name of several different rivers:United StatesThere are as many as 17 Salmon Rivers in the United States, including: *Salmon River (Alaska), Hyder, Alaska *Salmon River (California) *Salmon River (Connecticut) *Salmon… … Wikipedia
List of communities in Colchester County, Nova Scotia — List of communities in Colchester County, Nova Scotia.This list is ordered by the highway upon which they are located. All routes start with the terminus located near the largest community.Trunk Routes*Trunk 2: Stewiacke Alton – Brentwood… … Wikipedia
List of communities in Guysborough County, Nova Scotia — List of communities in Guysborough County, Nova ScotiaCommunities are ordered by the highway upon which they are located. All routes start with the terminus located near the largest community.Trunk Routes*Trunk 7: Aspen Melrose Stillwater… … Wikipedia
List of communities in Halifax County, Nova Scotia — List of communities in Halifax County, Nova ScotiaCommunities are ordered by the highway upon which they are located. All routes start with the terminus located near the largest community.Trunk Routes*Trunk 1: Bedford Lower Sackville Beaver Bank… … Wikipedia
List of communities in Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia — List of communities in Cape Breton County, Nova ScotiaCommunities are ordered by the highway upon which they are located. All routes start with the terminus located near the largest community.Trunk Routes*Trunk 4: Glace Bay Reserve Mines Grand… … Wikipedia
Nova Scotia Highway 101 — Map of all coordinates from Google Map of all coordinates from Bing Export all coordinates as KML … Wikipedia
Salmon — steht für: Salmon (Automarke), britische Automarke Salmo, Gattungsname der Forellen und Lachse Salmonellen, 1885 von Daniel Elmer Salmon entdeckte Bakteriengattung Salmon ist der Name folgender Orte: Salmon (Idaho), Ort in den USA Salmon (Texas) … Deutsch Wikipedia