Salmon River

Salmon River

The Salmon River is the name of several different rivers:

United States

There are as many as 17 Salmon Rivers in the United States, including:
*Salmon River (Alaska), Hyder, Alaska
*Salmon River (California)
*Salmon River (Connecticut)
*Salmon River (Idaho)
*Salmon River (New York), tributary of Lake Ontario
*Salmon River (Clackamas County, Oregon)
*Salmon River (Lincoln County, Oregon)
*Salmon River (Washington)


*Salmon River (Hyder) in northwestern British Columbia
*Salmon River (Prince George) in the Central Interior of British Columbia
*Salmon River (Vancouver Island) near Kelsey Bay, British Columbia
*Salmon River (Langley) in the Lower Fraser Valley of British Columbia
*Salmon River (Shuswap) near Salmon Arm, British Columbia
*Salmon River (Queen Charlottes) on Moresby Island, British Columbia
*The Salmo River, also known historically as the Salmon River
*Salmon River (New Brunswick)
*Salmon River (Nova Scotia), in Colchester County, Nova Scotia
*Salmon River, Digby County, Nova Scotia, a rural community
*Salmon River (Ontario)

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