List of thinkers influenced by deconstruction

List of thinkers influenced by deconstruction

This is a list of notable thinkers that have been influenced by deconstruction.


The thinkers included in this list are "published" and satisfy at least one of the three following additional criteria: he or she has
* written about deconstruction;
* used uniquely deconstructive concepts in a published work; or
* has stated outright that deconstruction has influenced his or her thinking.


*Gil Anidjar: Anidjar is Assistant Professor in the Department of Middle East and Asian Languages and Cultures at Columbia University. Anidjar wrote the introduction to Derrida's "Acts of Religion" and has stated that deconstruction influenced his book "The Jew, the Arab: A History of the Enemy". [ ]
*Aristide Antonas: Antonas is Assistant Professor in the Department of Architecture at University of Thessaly, Greece. He is the writer of four literature books in Greek, an independent curator (Greek Pavilion in the Venice Biennial 2004) and a published architect. Antonas wrote on Derrida and decision through the experience of Derrida's involvement with architecture. [ [ Aristide Antonas: The Book Scales | Roundtable: Research Architecture ] ]


*Jack Balkin: Balkin is the Knight Professor of Constitutional Law and the First Amendment at Yale Law School and a renowned critical legal theorist. On his blog, Balkin said that deconstruction influenced his intellectual life. [ [ Balkinization ] ]
*Geoffrey Bennington: Bennington is Asa Griggs Candler Professor of French and Professor of Comparative Literature, Emory University, as well as a member of the International College of Philosophy. He is a literary critic and philosopher, best known as an expert on deconstruction and the works of Jacques Derrida and Jean-François Lyotard. He has translated many of Derrida's works into English. [ [ Publications ] ] Bennington co-wrote the book "Jacques Derrida" with Derrida. [(1993) Bennington, Geoffrey, et al. "Jacques Derrida"]
*Robert Bernasconi: Bernasconi is the Lillian and Morrie Moss Professor of Philosophy at the University of Memphis. Bernasconi has written extensively on Heidegger, and has also written on Gadamer, Levinas, and Arendt, among others, recently pursuing an interest in race and racism. He has acknowledged and discussed the enormous importance of Derrida's contribution to the study of Heidegger. [(1993) Bernasconi, Robert, "Heidegger in Question: The Art of Existing"]
*Homi K. Bhabha: Bhabha is a postcolonial theorist, currently teaching at Harvard University, where he is the Anne F. Rothenberg Professor of English and American Literature and Language. Bhabha brings together the insights of deconstruction and psychoanalysis in his investigations of social subordination. [ [ ArtandCulture Artist: Homi K. Bhabha ] ]
*Harold Bloom: Bloom is the Sterling Professor of the Humanities at Yale University and Berg Professor of English and American Literature at New York University. In 1979, Bloom contributed to the influential "Deconstruction and Criticism", [(1979) Bloom, Harold, et al. "Deconstruction and Criticism"] a foundational text for the Yale School of deconstruction. Later, in a 1983 interview with Robert Moynihan, Bloom said, "What I think I have in common with the school of deconstruction is the mode of negative thinking or negative awareness, in the technical, philosophical sense of the negative, but which comes to me through negative theology...There is no escape, there is simply the given, and there is nothing that we can do." [ [ Presidential Lectures: Harold Bloom: Interviews ] ] In accordance, Slavoj Žižek has identified the mid-to-late 1980s as the period when Derrida's deconstruction shifted from a radical negative theology to a Kantian idealism. [(2006) Zizek, Slavoj "A Plea for a Return to Differance (with a minor 'Pro Domo Sua')" "Critical Inquiry" 32 (2): 226-249 ] In 1989, Bloom eschewed any identification with the Yale School's technical, methodological approach to literary criticism. [ Harold Bloom Interview ] ] He stated that "there is no method except yourself" and observed that deconstruction as a mode of thought is best understood as unique to Derrida. In a 2003 interview, Bloom recalled that in his past he found himself "fighting" deconstructionists. In the same interview, he stated that the deconstructionists were his friends and that what interests him in language is the Absolute, a notion he shares with Yale School deconstructionists and the negative theology of kabbalists. [ Ranting Against Cant ] ]
*Judith Butler: Butler is a prominent American post-structuralist philosopher and has contributed to the fields of feminism, queer theory, political philosophy and ethics. She is Maxine Elliot professor in the Departments of Rhetoric and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Berkeley. Many of Butler's works have taken up deconstructive themes. [ [ Judith Butler - Hannah Arendt Professor of Philosophy - Bibliography ] ]


*John D. Caputo: Caputo is the Thomas J. Watson Professor of Humanities at Syracuse University and the founder of weak theology. Much of Caputo's work focuses on hermeneutics, phenomenology, deconstruction, and theology. [ [ John D. Caputo ] ]
*Stanley Cavell: Cavell is an American philosopher. He is the Walter M. Cabot Professor Emeritus of Aesthetics and the General Theory of Value at Harvard University. Cavell has written on Derrida's work. [ [ Harvard University Department of Philosophy: Professor Emeritus Stanley Cavell ] ]
*Hélène Cixous: Cixous is a professor, French feminist writer, poet, playwright, philosopher, literary critic and rhetorician. [ [ Presidential Lectures: Hélène Cixous Home ] ]
*Drucilla Cornell: Cornell is a professor of political science, women's studies, and comparative literature at Rutgers University. []
*Simon Critchley: Critchley teaches philosophy at the New School for Social Research. Critchley has written a number of books on Derrida, including "The Ethics of Deconstruction: Derrida and Levinas" [(1990) Critchley, Simon "The Ethics of Deconstruction: Derrida and Levinas" ] and "Ethics-Politics-Subjectivity: Essays on Derrida, Levinas, and Contemporary French Thought". [(1999) Critchley, Simon "Ethics-Politics-Subjectivity: Essays on Derrida, Levinas, and Contemporary French Thought"] Critchley has said that Derrida was a "brilliant reader" and that it is imperative to follow his example. [ [ Simon Critchley | Jacques Derrida | Theory & Event 8:1 ] ]
*Jonathan Culler: Culler is Class of 1916 Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Cornell University. He has written a number of books about deconstruction. [ [ Jonathan D. Culler ] ]


*Hamid Dabashi: Dabashi is an Iranian-born American intellectual historian, cultural and literary critic best known for his scholarship on Iran and Shi'a Islam. He is the Hagop Kevorkian Professor of Iranian Studies and Comparative Literature at Columbia University in New York, the oldest and most prestigious Chair in Iranian Studies. [ [ Hamid Dabashi's Official Web Site ] ] In the essay "In the Absence of the Face," Dabashi uses deconstructive methods in his investigation of the Judeo-Islamic heritage. [(2000) Dabashi, HamidIn the Absence of the Face,” "Social Research", Volume 67, Number 1. Spring 2000. pp. 127-185.]
*Samuel Delany: Delany is an award-winning American science fiction author, widely known in the academic world as a literary critic. His essays and novels have been influenced by deconstruction. [ The Chronicle: 10/22/2004: Derrida, a Pioneer of Literary Theory, Dies ] ]
*Jacques Derrida: Derrida was an Algerian-born French philosopher, known as the founder of deconstruction. [ [ Derrida's controversial, first-run "New York Times" obituary] ] [ [ Derrida's second-run "New York Times" obituary] , by Mark C. Taylor (q.v.).]
*Alexander García Düttmann: Düttmann is Professor of Philosophy and Visual Culture at Goldsmiths College, University of London. His work focuses on art, language, history, politics and deconstruction. He published "Self Portrait and Lifelines". []
*Paulo Cesar Duque-Estrada: Duque-Estrada is Professor of Philosophy at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, with a Ph.D at Boston College. He founded the Study Group in Ethics and Deconstruction, (NEED- Núcleo de Estudos em Ética e Desconstrução) and has published various works on Derrida, Heidegger, Gadamer, Levinas and Husserl.Fact|date=February 2007



*Shoshana Felman: Felman is Woodruff Professor of Comparative Literature and French at Emory University. She was on the faculty of Yale University from 1970 to 2004, where she became Thomas E. Donnelley Professor of French and Comparative Literature. Although much of Felman's more recent work focuses on Lacanian psychoanalysis, her early work was heavily influenced by the Yale school of deconstruction.
*Christopher Fynsk: Fynsk is a Professor in the School of Language and Literature at the University of Aberdeen. In his book, "Heidegger: Thought and Historicity" (1993, 2nd edn.), he acknowledges that "the influence of Jacques Derrida, Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, and Jean-Luc Nancy on the pages that follow is far greater than I have been able to indicate." [(1993) Fynsk, Christopher, "Heidegger: Thought and Historicity", p. 9 ] He was also a participant in Lacoue-Labarthe and Nancy's Centre for Philosophical Research on the Political. [(1997) Fynsk, Christopher, "Contribution I" in Simon Sparks (ed.), "Retreating the Political"]


*Rodolphe Gasché: Gasché holds the Eugenio Donato Chair of Comparative Literature at the University of Buffalo, State University of New York. He is the author of numerous books, including the influential "The Tain of the Mirror: Derrida and the Philosophy of Reflection" (1986), [(1986) Gasché, Rodolphe "The Tain of the Mirror: Derrida and the Philosophy of Reflection" ] and "Inventions of Difference: On Jacques Derrida" (1994). [(1994) Gasché, Rodolphe "Inventions of Difference: On Jacques Derrida" ]


*Werner Hamacher: Hamacher holds the Emmanuel Levinas Chair at the European Graduate School, is Professor for General and Comparative Literature at the University of Frankfurt, and is Global Distinguished Professor at New York University. [ Werner Hamacher - Professor of Philosophy and Literary Theory - Biography ] ] Hamacher writes in the tradition of the Yale School of deconstruction and touches on topics including politics, literature, and philosophy.
*Sean Hand: Hand is an Irish-born literary theorist and Professor of French at Warwick University. He is a Leiris and Levinas scholar whose work incorporates aspects of deconstructive analysis and ethical reading. [ ]
*Michael Hardt: Hardt is an American literary theorist and political philosopher based at Duke University. Perhaps his most famous work is "Empire", written with Antonio Negri. Hardt is a Derrida scholar whose work has been influenced by deconstruction. [ [,10786,524215,00.html The Observer Profile: Michael Hardt | Special reports | The Observer ] ]
*Geoffrey Hartman: Hartman is the Sterling Professor emeritus of English and Comparative Literature at Yale University. He was part of the Yale School of deconstruction and has written extensively using deconstructive concepts. [ [ Geoffrey H. Hartman: A Bibliography ] ]
*Anselm Haverkamp: Profoundly influenced by Derrida, Haverkamp has completed several works on Friedrich Holderlin and deconstruction, among other topics. He teaches at New York University and the European University Viadrina Frankfurt(Oder) and is the secretary-general of the German-based International Walter Benjamin Society.Fact|date=February 2007


*Luce Irigaray: Irigaray is a French feminist and psychoanalytic and cultural theorist. She employs deconstructive concepts in advancing her message. [ [ Semiotexte : Luce Irigaray : Why Different ] ]


*Carol Jacobs: Jacobs is the Birgit Baldwin Professor of Comparative Literature and Chair of the Department of German at Yale University. Her early work on Benjamin, Rilke, Artaud, and Nietzsche demonstrates the influence of de Man's brand of rhetorical deconstruction. de Man wrote a well-known introduction to her first book, "The Dissimulating Harmony". [ [ ] ]
*Fredric Jameson: Jameson, a Marxist political and literary critic, is currently William A. Lane Professor of Comparative Literature and Romance Studies at Duke University. His work engages with the continental tradition of philosophy, including deconstruction. [ [ Presidential Lectures: Fredric Jameson: Introduction ] ]
*Barbara Johnson: Johnson is an American literary critic and translator. She is currently a Professor of English and Comparative Literature and the Frederic Wertham Professor of Law and Psychiatry in Society at Harvard University. She studied at Yale University while the Yale School of deconstruction was in ascendence. Much of her work has centered on social subordination, identity politics, literary theory, and deconstruction. [ [ Barbara E. Johnson, Department of African and African American Studies at Harvard University ] ]


*Peggy Kamuf: Kamuf is the Marion Frances Chevalier Professor of French and Professor of French and Comparative Literature at the University of Southern California. Kamufs principal research interests are in literary theory and contemporary French thought and literature. She has written extensively on the work of Jacques Derrida, Hélène Cixous, and Jean-Luc Nancy, and has also translated a number of their texts. [ [ USC College: Faculty: Department of French and Italian: Peggy Kamuf ] ]
*Kojin Karatani: Kojin is a Japanese philosopher and literary critic associated with the Yale School of deconstruction. Karatani has interrogated the possibility of a de Manian deconstruction and engaged in a dialogue with Jacques Derrida on the occasion of the Second International Conference on Humanistic Discourse, organized by the University of Montreal. Derrida commented on Karatani's paper, 'Nationalism and Ecriture' with an emphasis on the interpretation of his own concept of écriture. [ Jacques Derrida, Introduction to Kojin Karatani's "Nationalism and Ecriture"]
*Thomas Keenan: Keenan is Director of the Human Rights Project and Associate Professor of Comparative Literature at Bard College. He states in the introduction to "Fables of Responsibility: Aberrations and Predicaments in Ethics and Politics" (1997) that the book "locates itself within what has been called 'post-structuralism' or 'deconstruction,' but in a way that seeks to resist the easy division between the so-called 'literary' and 'political' wings of the work named with these slogans." [(1997) Keenan, Thomas. "Fables of Responsibility: Aberrations and Predicaments in Ethics and Politics", p. 2]
*Duncan Kennedy: Kennedy is the Carter Professor of General Jurisprudence at Harvard Law School and a renowned critical legal theorist. Kennedy has written more than a few articles investigating deconstructive concepts, including the article "A Semiotics of Critique." [ [ Duncan Kennedy Bibliography - in Reverse Chronological Order ] ]
*Sarah Kofman: Kofman was a French philosopher and author of many books, especially known for her works on Sigmund Freud and Friedrich Nietzsche. She was a student and colleague of Derrida, and after her death he wrote about Kofman and her work. [(2001) Derrida, Jacques, "........" in "The Work of Mourning"]
*Julia Kristeva: Kristeva is a Bulgarian-French philosopher, psychoanalyst, feminist, and novelist. Kristeva is a prolific writer who has employed deconstructive concepts in many of her books. [ [ Julia Kristeva: A Bibliography by Helene Volat ] ]


*Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe: Lacoue-Labarthe was a French philosopher, literary critic, and translator. Lacoue-Labarthe, like Jean-Luc Nancy, was a student and then colleague of Derrida. In addition to writing many books (including together), Lacoue-Labarthe and Nancy were co-directors of the short-lived Centre for Philosophical Research on the Political, which developed out of a 1980 colloquium devoted to the political questions arising from Derrida's work.(1997) Sparks, Simon (ed.), "Retreating the Political"] Lacoue-Labarthe's book, "Typography: Mimesis, Philosophy, Politics" (1989), contains an introduction by Derrida, "Desistance," consisting in a long discussion of Lacoue-Labarthe's work. [(1989) Lacoue-Labarthe, Philippe, "Typography: Mimesis, Philosophy, Politics"]
*Ernesto Laclau: Laclau is an Argentinian political theorist often described as post-Marxist. He is a professor at the University of Essex where he holds a chair in Political Theory and was for many years director of the doctoral Programme in Ideology and Discourse Analysis. He has lectured extensively in many universities in North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Australia and South Africa. Recently, he left The University at Buffalo and now teaches at Northwestern University. Laclau has stated that his writings take a deconstructive approach. [ [ CM2002 Article: Ernesto Laclau ] ]


*Catherine Malabou: Malabou is a French philosopher and currently "maître de conferences" in the Philosophy Department at the Université Paris-X Nanterre, as well as Visiting Professor in the Comparative Literature Department at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Of great importance to her is the concept of "plasticity," which she draws from the work of Hegel, as well as from neuroscience, and which she sees as taking a step beyond grammatology. She is at present interested in rethinking the relation between psychoanalysis and neuroscience, through the concept of trauma and in a way which draws on deconstruction. [ [ "A Conversation with Catherine Malabou"] .] [Malabou, "The End of Writing? Grammatology and Plasticity," "The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms" 12 (2007): 431441.]
*Paul de Man: De Man was a Belgian-born deconstructionist literary critic and theorist. As a member of the Yale School of deconstruction, de Man was instrumental in popularizing deconstruction as a form of literary criticism in the United States. De Man made extensive use of deconstructive concepts throughout his career. [ [ Paul de Man Bibliography ] ]
*J. Hillis Miller: Miller is a Distinguished Professor of English at the University of California Irvine. He was part of the Yale School of deconstruction and has written extensively using deconstructive concepts. [ [ Reviews of J. Hillis Miller's Books, Books Edited and Contributed to] ]
*W.J.T. Mitchell: Mitchell is Gaylord Donnelley Distinguished Service professor of English and Art History at the University of Chicago. He is also the editor of "Critical Inquiry", and contributes to the journal "October". Mitchell co-authored a book about Derrida with Arnold I. Davidson entitled "The Late Derrida". [ [ The Late Derrida: Books: W. J. T. Mitchell,Arnold I. Davidson ] ]
*Christoph Menke: Menke is a lecturer at University of Potsdam. He explores a Derridean reading of the work of Adorno.
*Chantal Mouffe: Mouffe holds a professorship at the University of Westminster in England. She writes primarily about political issues and employs deconstructive strategies in doing so. []


*Michael Naas: Naas is Professor of Philosophy at DePaul University. He co-translated and co-edited a number of Derrida's works, and is author of "Taking on the Tradition: Jacques Derrida and the Legacies of Deconstruction" (2003). [ [ DePaul Philosophy Faculty ] ]
*Jean-Luc Nancy: Nancy is a French philosopher and author. Nancy, like Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, was a student and then colleague of Derrida. In addition to writing many books (including together), Nancy and Lacoue-Labarthe were co-directors of the short-lived Centre for Philosophical Research on the Political, which developed out of a 1980 colloquium devoted to the political questions arising from Derrida's work. Derrida's book, "Le toucher, Jean-Luc Nancy" (2000), is about Nancy's writing. [(2005) Derrida, Jacques, "On TouchingJean-Luc Nancy"]
*Christopher Norris: Norris holds the title of Distinguished Research Professor in Philosophy at Cardiff University. Norris has been influenced by Derrida and the Yale School. Norris is known for arguing against relativism and in favor of a point of view he calls "deconstructive realism." [ [ Christopher Norris, Against Relativism ] ]



*Arkady Plotnitsky: Plotnitsky is Professor of English and Director of Theory and Cultural Studies Program at Purdue University. Plotnitsky has authored books and articles that engage with deconstruction and science. []



*François Raffoul: Raffoul is associate professor of philosophy at Louisiana State University. He is the author, editor, and translator of numerous works on Martin Heidegger, Jean-Luc Nancy, and contemporary French philosophy. He has emphasized the role of practical philosophy in Heidegger's thought and revitalizing the phenomenological concept of facticity. [ [ Results for 'au:François Raffoul' [ ] ] Received his doctorate under the tutelage of Jacques Derrida.
*Avital Ronell: Ronell is Professor and Chair of German and Professor of Comparative Literature, New York University, as well as a member of the faculty of the European Graduate School. To some, Avital is affectionately known as the "black lady of deconstruction" and the "ivory-tower terrorist." [ Avital Ronell - Professor of Philosophy - Biography ] ] Her works apply vigorous deconstructive interpretations to current theories of technology, social hierarchies, ethics, and aesthetics, among other topics.
*Richard Rorty: Rorty was an American philosopher, professor of comparative literature, and, by courtesy, philosophy at Stanford University. Having started his career writing in the analytic tradition of philosophy, Rorty's later works take up pragmatic and deconstructive themes. [ ]

*John Sallis: Sallis is Frederick J. Adelmann Professor of Philosophy at Boston College. The work of Sallis and Derrida intertwines at many points, notably in their readings of the Platonic dialogue "Timaeus". [(1995) Derrida, Jacques, "Khora," in "On the Name"; (1999) Sallis, John, "Chorology: On Beginning in Plato's Timaeus"] An essay by Derrida about Sallis's work is included in Kenneth Maly (ed.), "The Path of Archaic Thinking: Unfolding the Work of John Sallis" (1995). [(1995) Derrida, Jacques, "Tense," in Kenneth Maly (ed.), "The Path of Archaic Thinking: Unfolding the Work of John Sallis"]
*Pierre Schlag: Schlag is the Byron R. White Professor at the University of Colorado Law School. Schlag is a critical legal theorist and has written about deconstruction and the law. [ [ Colorado Law :: Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty - Pierre Schlag ] ]
*Hugh J. Silverman: Silverman is Professor of Philosophy, and Literary and Cultural Studies at Stony Brook University and Executive Director of the International Association for Philosophy and Literature. His "Derrida and Deconstruction" (1989), [(1989) Silverman, Hugh J. (ed), "Derrida and Deconstruction"] "The Textual Sublime: Deconstruction and its Differences" (1990), [(1990) Silverman, Hugh J. (ed. with Gary E. Aylesworth), "The Textual Sublime: Deconstruction and its Differences"] and "Textualities: Between Hermeneutics and Deconstruction" (1994) [ (1994) Silverman, Hugh J., "Textualities: Between Hermeneutics and Deconstruction"] are a few of the books and essays in which deconstruction plays a major role. He organized the first conference on Derrida in which Derrida participated at Stony Brook University in 1977. [(1977) Stony Brook University (SUNY)] The International Association for Philosophy and Literature [ [ The International Association for Philosophy and Literature] ] often features conference sessions on or about Derrida.
*Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak: Spivak currently teaches at Columbia University. Spivak, a notable advocate of postcolonialism, studied with Paul de Man, translated Derrida's "Of Grammatology" and has used deconstructive concepts in her books. [ [ Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak: an Introduction ] ]
*Bernard Stiegler: Stiegler is a French philosopher and Director of the Department of Cultural Development at the Centre Georges-Pompidou. Stiegler's work owes a great debt to both Heidegger and Derrida, while nevertheless offering decisive critiques of each. [ [ Books by Bernard Stiegler ] ]


*Mark C. Taylor: Taylor is the Chair of the Religion Department at Columbia University. He is among the first authors to connect deconstruction with religious thought and has authored many books using deconstructive concepts. [ [ books | mct ] ] Taylor calls himself a "philosopher of culture" [] and often writes in a mode known as deconstruction-and-religion or postmodern a/theology.


*Gregory Ulmer: Ulmer is Professor of Electronic Languages and Cybermedia at the European Graduate School. Ulmer's work focuses on hypertext, electracy and cyberlanguage and is frequently associated with "emerAgency", "fetishturgy," "choragraphy" and "mystoriography." He is the author of "Applied Grammatology: Post(e)-Pedagogy from Jacques Derrida to Joseph Beuys"; "Teletheory: Grammatology in the Age of Video"; "Heuretics: The Logic of Invention"; "Internet Invention: From Literacy to Electracy"; and "Electronic Monuments". [ [ Gregory Ulmer - Professor of Electronic Languages and Cybermedia - Bibliography ] ]


*Hent de Vries: De Vries is currently Professor of the Humanities and Philosophy at The Johns Hopkins University, and Professor of Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam. De Vries has been instrumental in explaining the apophatic and other theological claims and dimensions of deconstruction and for demonstrating its import for an understanding of religion in contemporary philosophy and culture. [ [ The Humanities Center ] ]

*Gerald Vizenor: Vizenor is currently Professor Emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley, and Professor of American Studies at the University of New Mexico. According to Louis Owens, Vizenor employed deconstructive strategies in his novel "The Darkness in St. Louis Bearheart". [(1994) Owens, Louis "Other Destinies: Understanding the American Indian Novel" 235, 231] Vizenor has stated that his writing strategy involves deconstructing the subjugated position of Native Americans in dominant literary discourses. [ [ Creating a Literature of Native Presence ] ]


*Samuel Weber: Weber is the Paul de Man Chair at the European Graduate School and the Avalon Foundation Professor of Humanities at Northwestern University. He is known for his writings on deconstruction, literary theory, and psychoanalysis. [(1996) Weber, Samuel, "Mass Mediauras: Form, Technics, Media"]
*David Wills: Wills is Professor of French and English and Chair of the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at the State University of New York, Albany. His work is influenced by Derrida. He recently published "Matchbook: Essays in Deconstruction" (2005). [(2005) Wills, David, "Matchbook: Essays in Deconstruction"]
*Charles Winquist: Winquist was the Thomas J. Watson Professor of Religion at Syracuse University and a noted weak theologian. According to John D. Caputo, Winquist employed deconstructive strategies in his theological writings. [ [ "The Surface of the Deep" by Charles E. Winquist] ]
*David Wood: Wood is Professor of Philosophy at Vanderbilt University. His work is influenced by Jacques Derrida, and he is the author of several books, including "The Deconstruction of Time" (1988) [(1988) Wood, David, "The Deconstruction of Time"] and "The Step Back: Ethics and Politics after Deconstruction" (2005). [(2005) Wood, David, "The Step Back: Ethics and Politics after Deconstruction"]
*Edith Wyschogrod: Wyschogrod is a Levinas scholar who engages with the work of Jacques Derrida, Martin Heidegger, Dominique Janicaud and others. [ [ Edith Wyschogrod - Curriculum Vitae] ]
*Graham Ward: Ward had been influenced by Derrida, Foucault, Žižek and others. Of special importance are his "Barth, Derrida, and the Language of Theology" (1995) and his article on deconstructive theology in "The Cambridge Companion to Postmodern Theology" (2003). He currently teaches Contextual Theology and Ethics at the University of Manchester [ [ Graham Ward (The University of Manchester)] ]




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